
Recently, you can hear the word “paranthropes” more and more often. Just what does this mean? Let's try to figure it out and understand what kind of term this is - paranthropus. The word was formed from two Greek words: “people” + “anterior”, which translated means person (peoples). So, this is antipers? We'll talk about this another time...

Paranthropy is a type of antisocial behavior that is directed against other people. A person who often exhibits this behavior is called a paranthropus. There is a collective paranthropus and a solitary one. The former usually causes harm to his group or team, which can have a negative effect on the organization. In the second case, the paranthropus destroys itself. The tendency to paranthropic behavior manifests itself in different forms:

defiant demonstrative behavior aimed at attracting attention, for which one can then receive punishment, for which he is ready. So one example of behavior is illegal violation of rules (fights, theft, vandalism);

any bad habits for yourself and others (smoking, drug use, alcohol, infection with helminths or sexually transmitted diseases);

negative emotions (aggressive rudeness, rudeness). Among the main reasons leading to the behavior of a paranthropus are human psychopathology (excitable neurosis, schizophrenia, inadequacy, etc.), personal reluctance to take into account the world around us, and the cultural level of the object of asociality itself. However, this part of our nature does not only have a dark aspect. Many paranthropic individuals work well, know how to communicate with others, and do great things. Because people who have talent and skill can develop them and direct them in a socially useful direction. Be healthy and joyful!