
Parapleurisy is an inflammatory disease of the perithecal tissues of the lungs or pleura, accompanied by effusion into the pleural cavity. It manifests itself as pain in the chest with radiation to the back and shortness of breath like “suffocation.” The disease develops under the influence of direct pathological changes, more often with an infection that penetrates the pleura along with the lymph flow (breast cancer metastases, kidney cancer, etc.), with lymphogenous metastasis from other organs, etc. The course of the disease is manifested by alternating periods of inflammation and scarring . With parapleuritis, skin itching, lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly appear, which is an indication for emergency diagnosis of infectious diseases at the first stage of the examination.

In the article “Parapleuritis” we will look at basic information about this condition, its causes, symptoms and treatment methods.

Parapleurisy is a disease in which inflammation affects the entire affected and pleural part of the hymen, as well as the surrounding spinal tissue. This condition usually occurs due to

Unwelcoming greeting or Parapleurisy

Parapleuritis is called inflammation (secondary pleural effusion) or leakage of fluid into the surrounding tissue between the visceral and parietal layers of the pleura. Refers to a separate type of pleurisy of a non-inflammatory nature. One area of ​​four to eight ribs is involved in the pathological process, since all human ribs are connected to each other by intercostal