Paraproctitis Ishiorectal

Ishiorectal paraproctitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ischiorectal paraproctitis, also known as paratroctitis or ischiorectal abscess, is an inflammatory disease that affects the area between the rectum and the pelvic bone called the ischiorectal space. This condition, although rare, can cause significant discomfort and require medical attention.

Ishiorectal paraproctitis usually occurs as a result of infection of the pararectal glands, which are responsible for lubrication of the anal canal. Bacteria can enter these glands through a variety of routes, including injury, contaminated hygiene items, or spread of infection from nearby areas such as the rectum or skin near the anus. A weakened immune system can also become a risk factor for the development of ischiorectal paraproctitis.

The main symptoms of ischiorectal paraproctitis are:

  1. Soreness and swelling in the anus or rectum.
  2. Increased body temperature and general weakness.
  3. Feeling of pressure or heaviness in the rectum.
  4. The appearance of reddish or purulent drainage from the anus.
  5. Difficulty or painful urination.

Treatment of ischiorectal paraproctitis usually requires medical intervention. In most cases, draining the abscess is necessary to remove the pus and relieve symptoms. Drainage can be done surgically or with a needle under local anesthesia. After drainage, you may need to take antibiotics to fight the infection.

In addition, it is recommended to take a number of measures to relieve symptoms and speed up healing. Include fiber-rich foods in your diet to avoid constipation, and moisturize the anal area with mild soap and warm water. Avoid sitting for long periods of time and use a seat cushion to relieve pressure on the area.

In conclusion, ischiorectal paraproctitis is an inflammatory disease that requires medical intervention. If you notice symptoms associated with this condition, it is important to see your doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Timely seeking medical help will help prevent complications and promote a quick recovery.