Passive-Defensive Response

Passive defensive reaction: a modern view

Passive-Aggressive behavior is a behavioral reaction aimed at eliminating or reducing the influence of negative factors without human intervention. This is a manifestation of the human condition, capable of influencing both individually and extending to relationships between people as a whole. The behavior is replaced by a neutral or “hospitable” reaction. So a person tries not to get involved in a conflict, even if he feels uncomfortable or, frankly speaking, dangerous situations. However, this can also be seen as submission to factors of external influence, and not as initiative or active reaction.

Passive defense is psychological behavior or active resistance through defensive actions. This type of behavior does not imply active opposition to a dangerous event or person. First, let's figure out what passive - offensive activity is. Usually the word is used as a synonym for defensive, but in fact it means an active line of behavior, which consists of counteracting adverse events that affect a person. From a motivational point of view, passively offensive behavior cannot be called adequate or healthy. A person is constantly waiting for someone to intervene to help him. He perceives the environment as a source of danger and experiences anxiety from the inability to control it. People with this behavior pattern are often suicidal.