Payra Clamp

**Payra Clamp** is a special tool that is used for gripping and fastening elements in various industries and construction. It was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by British engineer Frank Pyra and was named after him.

The Pyra clamp consists of two metal clamps connected by bolts. Each clamp has three lugs that can be attached to other fasteners. Clamps can have different lengths and widths, which allows them to be used for fastening different elements. The main advantage of the Pyra clamp is its versatility. It can be used for fastening building materials such as steel, wood, concrete and others, as well as for fastening various parts in mechanical production. Additionally, the Pyra Clamp is highly durable and reliable, making it an ideal tool for use on the job site.

Article about the Memorial Clip

The Payra Clamp is a special type of accessory that is widely used in various fields and is of great importance to people. This clamp is a small metal strip with two clips that are designed to hold objects.

The story of its origin is quite simple. At the beginning of the 20th century, British soldiers and sailors who participated in the First World War began to use clips to button up their shirts, and officers noticed that using such a clip could be convenient when performing complex maneuvers. From this moment on, widespread production of clamping devices and their use in various fields began.

Today, the Payra clamp is used everywhere, it can be seen in everyday human life (for example, a seat belt holding car doors), as well as in technical devices (fastening wires in an engine, a thread clamp while knitting). One of the features of the Memory Clip is its