Pensulin Chr

Pensulin is a short-acting insulin used medically to regulate blood glucose levels. This medicine is produced by Bryntsalov A (Russia), which is part of the Bryntsalov group of companies. Drugs of this pharmacological group help maintain glucose levels in the body and reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

The active ingredient of Pensulin PR is insulin-BD, which is a fast-acting glucose-dependent insulin. Insulin therapy can be prescribed both to patients with diabetes and to people who are obese and need to lose weight.

Thanks to the wide range of synonyms, each patient can choose the drug that is suitable for himself and, if necessary, the dosage will be changed. The medicine is injected subcutaneously or into a muscle. After the injection, you should lightly press the skin and slowly press on it until the drug is completely distributed throughout the body.

Side effects may include redness, itching, dryness at the injection site, headache, nausea, fatigue and irritability. Sometimes allergic reactions are observed after the first use of Pensulin. Before using the drug for the first time, you should consult with your doctor, who will also select the optimal treatment regimen.

It is important to remember that insulin has a number of contraindications, such as individual intolerance to the components, liver or kidney pathologies, type 3 diabetes, children under 6 years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In conclusion, Pensulin is a short-acting drug and is prescribed to lower glucose levels in the blood system. Manufacturer Pensulina - Bryntsalovo company - (Russia). The medicine is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription only for money.