
Overcompensation is a protective mechanism of the psyche that occurs in people faced with difficulties and problems. This mechanism allows people to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals despite difficulties and obstacles.

Overcompensation can manifest itself in various forms. For example, a person may be overly persistent and tenacious in achieving their goals. He can ignore his weaknesses and shortcomings in order to achieve success. Overcompensation can also manifest itself in the form of excessive protection of one’s feelings and emotions.

However, overcompensation can also lead to negative consequences. If a person cannot adequately assess his capabilities and resources, then he may face overload and burnout. In addition, overcompensation can cause a person to begin to ignore their needs and desires in order to meet the expectations of others.

To avoid the negative consequences of overcompensation, it is important to be able to adequately assess your strengths and capabilities. You also need to be able to listen to your needs and desires and find a balance between work and personal life.

**Hypercompensation** is a phenomenon in psychology and psychiatry, which manifests itself in a person’s desire to achieve success and compensate for any kind of shortcomings or defects. This mechanism may be due to various factors, such as low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority, etc. As a result, a person can be very active and persistent in achieving his goals, and also strive for greater success than usual.

The concept of **"overcompensation"** was introduced by the Austrian psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Otto Fenichel in the 20th century. He explained this idea through the concept of compensatory mechanisms in individual psychology. Briefly about Fenichel's theory, it is the process of avoiding anxiety by repressing negative thoughts. The phenomenon of overcompensation includes two sides - response and exit from a pathological situation. An overcompensating individual shows enormous potential for his health, energy, and ability to overcome all situations without the desire to find happiness. But on the way to the goal, he comes to experiences, disappointments and failures. It turns out that success becomes a persecuted concept in his life, he tries to get it by any means.