Percussion Indirect

Indirect percussion: what is it and how is it used?

Indirect percussion (P.) is a diagnostic method in which a doctor or diagnostician taps on the finger of the other hand or on a plessimeter applied to the area of ​​the body surface being examined. This diagnostic method was introduced into medical practice in the 19th century and is still widely used in various fields of medicine.

Indirect percussion is an important diagnostic method for diseases of the chest, abdomen, urinary system and other organs and systems. This method allows you to assess the condition of tissues and organs, their size, shape, density, the presence of free fluid, gas bubbles, tumors and other changes.

Indirect percussion is carried out using a special instrument - a plessimeter, which is a rubber ball with a pressure gauge. When conducting a study, the plessimeter is applied to the surface of the body, and the doctor or diagnostician taps the finger of the other hand, applied to the plessimeter. During tapping, vibrations occur, which are transmitted through the body tissues and recorded by the plessimeter pressure gauge.

When interpreting the results of indirect percussion, many factors are taken into account, such as the patient’s age, body position, thickness of the fat layer and others. For example, in diseases of the lungs and pleura, tapping produces a sound that can be dull, dull, clear, resonant, etc. Each of these sounds indicates different changes in the body.

Indirect percussion is a safe and non-invasive diagnostic method that does not require special patient preparation. However, to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to conduct the study correctly and take into account all factors that may affect its results.

In conclusion, indirect percussion is an important diagnostic method in medicine, which allows you to assess the condition of tissues and organs, their size, shape, density and other parameters. This method is safe and non-invasive, but to obtain accurate results it is necessary to conduct the study correctly and take into account all factors that may affect its results. If you suspect a disease, consult a doctor or diagnostician to conduct indirect percussion and other necessary studies.

Percussion is a diagnostic method that is used to determine the condition of the lungs and other organs. It consists of tapping the patient's chest and analyzing the sound effects that arise. However, sometimes percussion can be difficult due to various factors, such as obesity, the presence of clothing on the patient, or insufficient qualifications of the doctor. In such cases, indirect percussion can be used.

Indirect percussion (IPP) is an alternative percussion method that allows the diagnosis of the lungs and other organs even in difficult situations. With PPO, tapping on the chest is not done directly, but through a finger of the other hand or a plessimeter, which is applied to the area being examined. This allows you to obtain more accurate results, as it eliminates the influence of various factors on percussion.

PPO may be particularly useful in obese cases where direct access to the chest is difficult. Also, PPO can be used when the patient is wearing clothing, as it allows one to bypass this factor. In addition, PPO allows the doctor to obtain a more accurate percussion result by reducing the influence of various factors on its performance.

Thus, indirect percussion is an effective method for diagnosing the lungs and other organs, which can be used in difficult situations and allows one to obtain a more accurate result.