Fractured ribs

Seven true ribs can break on both sides, as for the false ones, they can break on the side of the spine, and their other ends, as you know, are costal cartilages, and therefore they are only subject to crushing. Regarding the recognition of a rib fracture, it must be said that it is not difficult and does not remain hidden when palpated, since the doctor feels roughness and mobility in the wrong place; sometimes, if you listen, you can hear a slight crunch.

If the rib has deviated outward - and this is indicated by the symptoms of pleurisy and sometimes accompanying hemoptysis - then let the chiropractor not dare to treat it by traction outward for lack of a suitable method, because this is difficult without cupping, and cupping is sometimes dangerous, because it can attract a lot of matter to the sore spot There is a lot of harm in this, but if you are careful and don’t hold them too long, then it’s okay.

And sometimes patients are fed strongly bloating foods so that their stomachs swell, and then the bloating presses on the fracture site and pushes the bones outward; this method, although sometimes it is also impossible to avoid, is an important reason for the formation of a tumor. One learned chiropractor says that the sore spots should be covered with wool dipped in hot olive oil, and compresses applied between the ribs so that the gaps are filled and the bandage, going in a circle, is kept straight, as we described when speaking about the chest. Then they are made as they are done for Shusa sufferers, and tightened to a degree suitable for the bone.

If a great thing strikes us and a bone pricks the barrier, causing suffering, then we must cut the skin, expose the fractured rib, place a device under it that protects the shell so as not to injure it, and carefully cut out the bones that prick and take them out. Then, if there is no hot tumor, the edges are connected and treated with plasters, and if a hot tumor has formed, it is covered with compresses soaked in oil. The patient is fed and treated with substances that soothe the hot swelling, and he lies on the side on which it is easy for him to lie.