Pericarditis Serous

Pericarditis (from pericardium + ...itis - inflammation) is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the lining of the heart - serous (pericardial bursa) and fibrous (dense, sclerotic pericardium).

Serous pericarditis is inflammation accompanied by the formation of serous or exudative effusion with an admixture of fibrin in the pericardial cavity: exudative pericarditis, purulent or putrefactive (gangrene) pericarditis - this form often accompanies severe heart disease (endocarditis, myocarditis, etc.).

With serous pericarditis, another sign acquires special significance - the presence of characteristic symptoms: a sensation of a lump in the chest, sharp pain behind the sternum, shortness of breath, irradiation of pain in the area of ​​the shoulders, heart, between the shoulder blades with a characteristic cough. Restriction of respiratory movements is observed, the position of the head changes to lateroflexion. In the area of ​​the heart, the heart muscle characteristic of pericardium is palpated; above the pulmonary edge on the right, an accumulation of fluid between the skin and the pericardium (with effusion) is determined.

Hemorrhagic pericarditis (blood pericarditis) is a form of rheumatic mesopericardium that occurs when the pericardium comes into contact with blood plasma containing a large number of macrophages containing lecithin and peroxidase. Observing the patient, you can notice that the heart has increased in size, and the patient’s condition is serious, the skin is shiny with a cyanotic tint, tachycardia is observed, not associated with an increase in body temperature, and rapid breathing. For diagnosis and confirmation of diagnosis

Serous pericarditis - (p. Serosa)

Serosa pericarditis, also known as allergic grey-eye pericanditis or pericanditis pericanditis, is a disorder of the anatomy where the hypopericardium (the area around the heart) is filled with fluid-like material that constitutes fever paragasm. This live thing has a white crust with a thick liquid in the middle. Serovfa pericanditis is usually the result of inflammation in Iranards. However, it can be caused by a fungal or bacterial infection. In children with allergies or stress disorders, perikadet chirogaeus may be present in the zoatronaranda.

Accompaniment of the pericardium of the gray-gazego ridmanach Gremennotal embodiment of the pericardium rhythmic and characteristic