Periorchitis Chronic

Chronic periorchitis is an inflammatory disease of the periorbital tissues of the orbit (usually the ethmoid bone, frontal sinus, outer wall of the optic canal, etc.). As a result, periostitis occurs. At the very beginning, this process can be called ophthalmological. Only with a chronic course of the disease is a pronounced inflammatory lesion observed. The reasons for the development are:

* getting a head injury; * long-term nasal infection; * unsuccessful removal of foreign bodies; * penetration of infection into the focus of the inflammatory process from the cavities of the cranium.

Chronic periorchima is a consequence of previous infectious diseases of the tissues surrounding the orbit. Most often, these are mumps, ARVI, otitis, sinusitis and other infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology. Some forms of chronic tonsillitis favor the development of the disease. However, it can occur with chronic dental problems, certain diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses. However, the disease can develop with prolonged exposure to environmental factors such as high air humidity, hypothermia, and wind. With congenital pathology, the paraorbital tissues of the skull may be predisposed to the inflammatory process. Very often, due to one or more reasons, the body’s immune defense is weakened, which leads to the development of the disease. The patient feels the manifestations of such an infectious process as a cold. The patient may develop a cough, runny nose, sore throat, and show signs of inflammatory damage to the organs of vision. In the initial stages of the disease, it is very difficult to draw a line between inflammation of the periorbital tissue, as well as the muscles and appendages of the eye. It is very important to establish the presence of this disease from the first days of its manifestation. To do this, it is recommended to contact a specialist and