
Periostitis - inflammation of the periosteum. The cause of acute periostitis (acuteperiostitis) is usually direct damage to the bone, accompanied by the formation of a hematoma, which can later become infected. In an uncomplicated course of the disease, the patient's condition quickly improves by taking anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and ensuring rest of the diseased limb. Sometimes acute periostitis can become chronic (chronic periostitis), but most often it develops as a result of complications of diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis, or due to chronic ulceration of the tissues covering the bone. In chronic periostitis, thickening of the bone located under the affected periosteum occurs, which is detected during an X-ray examination of the affected area.

Periostopathy or periostitis is an inflammatory process of the periosteal cover of the jaw bone. Causes the disease: injuries to the facial skeleton, dental surgeries and, in most cases, infection. As a result of the disease, the formation of new bone tissue is slowed down, interrupted or completely stopped, and the elasticity of the periosteal membrane decreases. This leads to malnutrition of the jaw. Treatment of periodostopathy in the clinic will require long-term correction of the condition of the tissues of the dental alveoli. At the moment, the problem is poorly studied. About 85% of patients do not achieve full recovery and, as a result, experience inconvenience of a socio-psychological nature. The diagnosis of periodostomatopathies is made on the basis of radiographs. To establish the degree of advanced disease, the results of radiation diagnostics are preliminary. It may also be necessary to involve specialists in other areas - pediatricians, ophthalmologists, etc. The research results determine further treatment tactics. If you notice signs of the disease and the symptoms of periostopathy in the jaw are very noticeable for you, take an x-ray at the dentist or district clinic at your place of residence. The doctor will determine the presence and stage of the disease, assess the quality of blood flow in the alveoli, and prescribe a treatment suitable for your case. Therapy of chronic periodosteopathy is a painstaking process. This is a set of events. at the first stage, the teeth are removed, then the patient is prescribed drugs with bisphosphonates and antibacterial drugs - mometrin, toludum. Antibiotics and injections are being replaced by antibiotic tablets. Therapeutic measures alternate. For example, Levomekol ointment is prescribed to relieve acute inflammation. The patient is advised to clean the incision site to prevent infection. Next, a stage-by-stage implantation of a titanium prosthesis occurs. Ligature or non-ligature prostheses can be used. The ultimate goal is to restore the normal position and shape of the gums and alveolar process. The clinic’s specialists have long developed their own methods of prevention at the preclinical stages of the disease. Even if the work is done efficiently, measures help to avoid acute manifestations and prevent complications. In addition, it does not hurt to save the first tooth after the exacerbation stage is over.

Periostitis: causes of inflammation of the periosteum

***Inflammation of the periosteum*** in dentistry is predominantly a disease of young people, although it can often occur in people over 60 years of age. It can also occur against the background of various diseases and skin conditions, local immunity, etc.