Peritonitis Perforated

Perforative peritonitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Perforated peritonitis, also known as perforated peritonitis, is a serious condition that can lead to difficulty breathing, cardiac arrest, and even death if not treated promptly. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of perforated peritonitis.

What is perforative peritonitis?

Perforative peritonitis is an inflammatory disease of the abdominal cavity that develops as a result of the penetration of stomach or intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity. This occurs when the integrity of the stomach or intestinal wall is compromised, which can be caused by various reasons such as peptic ulcers, tumors, trauma or infection.

What symptoms accompany perforative peritonitis?

Symptoms of perforated peritonitis may vary depending on the degree of development of the disease. In the initial stage of the disease, the patient may experience mild abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. However, as the disease progresses, symptoms may become more severe, including:

  1. Sharp abdominal pain that gets worse with movement or touching;
  2. High body temperature (from 38 to 40 degrees Celsius);
  3. Fast pulse and high blood pressure;
  4. A sharp deterioration in the patient's general condition, including loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest.

How is perforative peritonitis diagnosed?

To diagnose perforated peritonitis, computed tomography of the abdominal cavity is necessary. This allows you to detect the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, which is a sign of the development of peritonitis. The doctor may also do blood and urine tests to determine if there is an infection in the body.

How to treat perforated peritonitis?

Treatment of perforated peritonitis requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. Patients are given antibiotics to fight the infection and undergo surgery to remove the cause of the perforation (such as an ulcer or tumor) and clear infected fluid from the abdomen. After surgery, patients may be hospitalized for several days to monitor their condition.

In conclusion, perforated peritonitis is a dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment. If you suspect you have developed peritonitis, be sure to contact your doctor for help. Be attentive to your health and monitor your symptoms to avoid serious complications.

Perforative peritonitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Perforated peritonitis, also known as perforated peritonitis or perforated peritonitis, is a serious medical condition that requires immediate intervention and treatment. In this article we will look at the symptoms, causes and methods of treating perforated peritonitis.

Perforative peritonitis occurs as a result of a perforated wound or infection entering the abdominal cavity. This causes inflammation of the peritoneum, a thin film that covers the organs inside the abdomen. Perforated wounds can be caused by a variety of factors, including penetration by sharp objects, perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, or rupture of the appendix or other organs.

The main symptom of perforated peritonitis is acute abdominal pain, which intensifies with movement or palpation. The patient may also experience nausea, vomiting, bloating, high fever, rapid pulse, and general weakness. If peritonitis is not treated promptly, it can lead to serious complications such as sepsis (widespread infection throughout the body) and organ failure.

To diagnose perforated peritonitis, your doctor will do a physical examination of the patient and may also order laboratory tests, such as blood and urine tests, an X-ray of the abdomen, a computed tomography (CT) scan, or an ultrasound.

Treatment for perforated peritonitis usually involves surgery to remove and repair the perforated wound and to remove infected material from the abdominal cavity. After surgery, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics to fight the infection. In some cases, a temporary colostomy (creating an opening in the abdominal wall to drain bowel contents) may be necessary.

After surgery, the patient requires careful monitoring and rehabilitation. Early seeking of medical help and timely treatment are key factors for successful recovery and prevention of complications.

In conclusion, peritonitis perforator is a serious and potentially dangerous condition that requires immediate intervention. Knowing the main symptoms and causes of this disease can help you seek medical help promptly. If you suspect perforative peritonitis, be sure to consult a doctor for further diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Remember that health is the most valuable thing, and in case of such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.