Peritonitis (Inflammation of the peritoneum)

Peritonitis is a very serious disease that can lead to death. It is caused by inflammation of the peritoneum and usually begins suddenly with severe pain in the abdomen, chills, vomiting, hiccups, bloating and soreness that the slightest touch causes excruciating pain. The temperature rises quickly, cardiac activity drops, urine becomes thick and dark, and urination is accompanied by severe pain and a small volume of discharge.

After a few days, a special fluid, called inflammatory effusion, accumulates in the peritoneal cavity, and complete constipation occurs due to paralysis of the intestinal muscles. If the necessary measures are not taken, death occurs within 2-3 days from cardiac paralysis.

Peritonitis can occur from a cold, and in women - from various female diseases and unsuccessful childbirth. It is impossible to treat peritonitis with your own means; you need doctor's help and monitoring of the patient. To relieve pain, opium is required, which is impossible to obtain without a doctor.

Due to such characteristic signs of the disease, it is imperative to call a doctor, and the sooner the better, since at the beginning, when not all of the peritoneum is captured by inflammation, the patient can sometimes still be saved. If you have to wait a long time for a doctor, then you can take some measures yourself to alleviate the patient’s condition.

You can’t give any laxative, you can’t drink anything, but just let him hold the ice in his mouth until it all melts, and then spit out the water from it. Put ice on your stomach, but only a little so that it does not put pressure. It is best to fill a rubber bladder with ice and hang it over the patient's stomach so that it just touches the stomach, but does not lie on it. If for some reason you cannot get ice, then put a compress on your stomach with the following composition: 1 part purified turpentine to 2 parts some vegetable oil.

The administration of penicillin helps a lot, which only a doctor can do. Therefore, if you suspect peritonitis, you should immediately seek medical help. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of recovery.