Perpendicular Plate

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The perpendicular plate is the part of the skull that is formed by a vertical plate. It is located on the palatine part of the palatine bones, as well as on the ethmoid part of the ethmoid bones. The function of this plate is to create a partition between the inside of the skull and the outside of the body. The perpendicularity of the plate provides rigidity inside the skull and protects the brain from injury and damage. Also, this plate is involved in the formation of facial bones


The perpendicular palatine plate (lat. lamina perpendicularis palatini, English perpendicular plate of the palatine bone) and the cribriform plate (lat. os ethmoidale, os ethmoideum) are two important anatomical formations located in the septum between the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses. They help prevent air from entering the nasal cavity into the posterior parts of the tympanic cavity, thereby ensuring free breathing. Both of these formations are also involved in the formation of skull bones and normal human physiology. These plates, which arise from the palatine and ethmoid bones respectively, are structures that perform a number of functions. Although they are not an organ per se, they play an important role in the normal functioning of the human inner ear.

Description Lattice plastic

The ethmoid crest is located above the left or right optic fissure at the end of the perpendicular plate of the frontal lobe. In cross section, the plate resembles a hexagonal one, which explains its other name - cribriform plate. According to its anatomical structure, the ethmoidal ridge is a horizontal formation in the form of a sinus. This plate is partially bone in nature. They are shaped like bony transverse ridges. On their way through the nose they pass between the sphenoid plate and the frontal process of the maxilla. As mentioned above, the plate is horizontal, so they have

The perpendicular plates are two anatomical structures that are important to the human body. They are located on the palatine and ethmoid bones and perform various functions.

The perpendicular plate of the palatine bone is a vertically positioned plate that forms the posterior portion of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. It consists of spongy bone tissue and contains blood vessels and nerves. The perpendicular plate of the palatine bone plays an important role in the formation of the facial bones and provides support for other structures of the maxilla.

The ethmoid bone is a bony structure that is located inside the skull and is involved in the formation of the facial part of the skull. The ethmoid bone has several plates, including the perpendicular plate. The lamina cribrosa is a horizontal plate that extends downward from the lamina cribrosa.

The function of the lamina cribrosa is to create a septum in the nasal cavity. The septum divides the nasal cavity into two parts and filters the air entering the lungs. The cribriform plate is also involved in creating the base of the skull and provides attachment to other structures such as the frontal and sphenoid bones.

Thus, perpendicular plates play an important role in the human body. They provide support and functionality to various structures, including the nose and skull. Knowledge of the anatomy of this region can be useful to specialists in medicine, dentistry and other fields related to human structures.