
Original (cheese-like or vernicale, from the Latin word vernix - “giving birth” and caseosa - “veal”), also known as vernix lard or cheese ointment, is the first secret secreted in the womb of a pregnant woman. At different stages, the volume of cheese-like lubricant can vary greatly: from a drop, similar to a small pea, to a layer several centimeters thick, which literally envelops the body of a newborn baby like a cocoon.

Primordial lubricant - what is it? This is a unique structure created by the body in utero and called maternal lubrication. For 275 days in a row, the uterus produces it, maintaining a delicate, thick and odorless substance. Part of this lubricant remains between the legs of the woman in labor and is peeled off to prepare patency

Vernix or vernix is ​​a protective secretion released in the first weeks after birth. It covers the newborn's body before the umbilical cord appears. Up to one kilogram is released from the baby’s body per day. The mucous secretion consists of 98% water and protects the skin from moisture loss, provides

With the development of medicine, the number of health problems and pathologies in children is increasing. Children who were carried to term and given birth naturally (pregnancy and childbirth) often differ from each other depending on certain circumstances. Since many parents are becoming conscious and trying to provide comfortable conditions for the development of a healthy child, many specialists have begun to think about the development of techniques that will help reduce pathological conditions and lead to healthy children. This is how the idea of ​​preparing for the birth process arose. A major breakthrough in the field of preparation for childbirth is associated with special devices created to facilitate obstetric care for women in labor. They include a lot of equipment - special furniture, detergents, products and devices for intimate hygiene