
Pettophobia (from the Greek “petto” - to digest and “phobia”) is the fear of chewing food in the mouth. This irrational horror is very rare in people, but despite this, most patients suffering from this phobia are forced to constantly cope with this unpleasant sensation.

The causes of pettophobia can be different, for example, an accident that a person experienced in childhood. This fear can also be caused by teeth conflicts or allergic reactions to food. In rare cases, hereditary factors may be the cause. If the reason does not lie in the factors mentioned above, then, as a rule, it is difficult for the patient to remember the origin of this horror. Still, he remembers that early in life, incidents occurred in his mouth or stomach that led to a negative perception of food. It is also worth noting that treatment is carried out only if strong uncontrolled aggression towards food occurs that the patient experiences. For neuralgic pain in the jaw, patients are able to cope with the problem on their own with the help of painkillers

Hello friends! Today we will talk about a rare and little-known fear - pettophobia. If you had asked me 9 months ago what it was, I would have just looked at you like you were crazy. But time passes, I have changed, and today I am ready to tell you about such a bright and deep feeling as pettophobia.

Pettophobia is a condition associated with an obsessive fear of overeating; overeating is perceived as a threat to safety. Overeating can occur during periods of emotional instability, during times of stress, food breakdowns, or during uncontrolled shopping at the grocery store. A phenomenon that is characterized by panic fear not so much of food, but of weight gain. A person with Pettophobia needs to fearfully avoid anything related to weight gain, so as not to gain extra pounds.

But why does the fear of being fat matter more than the reality: the possibility of diabetes or heart disease, excess weight can tip the scales with a high likelihood of cancer?

Pettobovic is one of the most terrible mental disorders. It can also be accompanied by uncertainty and anxiety, as well as an increased level of attachment to people. According to statistics, only 3 people out of 20 suffer from this disorder. What people are most often susceptible to this disorder? Basically, the disease affects people whose lives are filled with stress, or young people, as they are in search of their place in life.