Sexual Development

Sexual development is the process of formation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in a person in the process of his individual development.

Primary sexual characteristics are those that determine a person's sex at birth. This could be, for example, the presence of testicles in boys and a uterus in girls. Secondary sexual characteristics appear during puberty and reflect changes in the hormonal status of the body. These include, for example, changes in voice and body shape.

Sexual development begins in the womb and continues after birth. It depends on many factors such as genetics, nutrition, environment and health. In addition, sexual development can be disrupted due to various factors such as infections, hormonal imbalances or injury.

For normal sexual development, it is necessary to monitor the child’s health, especially in the first years of life. Parents should provide proper nutrition and daily routine, and ensure that the child gets enough physical activity. It is also important to monitor the child’s hormonal status and consult a doctor if necessary.