Phalloplasty According to Bogoraz

Bogoraz phalloplasty, or phalloplasty surgery, is one of the rare surgical interventions to improve the appearance of the external genitalia. According to statistics, every 158 residents of Russia have at least once encountered the problem of insufficient penis size to enjoy sexual life. Representatives of both sexes apply for these operations, but in men it is performed on average 65% more often. The peak age is up to 35 years, and young men or men in the age group of about 40 are more often interested in this type of plastic surgery.

Phalloplasty is a generally accepted surgical procedure for correcting the size and shape of the penis. Depending on the predominant deformation of the penis, there are the following types: cavernous, cavernous-spongy, spongy. The listed types of phalloplasty according to the method differ in the degree of penis reduction. For patients with a very small penis and lack of male sexual function, surgical correction is not effective in all cases. There are situations when no plastic intervention can lead to the desired result. The patient must be warned about this, since to achieve aesthetic appeal it is necessary to undergo a medical commission and obtain a professional opinion from a urologist-andrologist. Penis from the surgeon X-Heckler /enlargement, reduction, shape correction, increase in deep longitudinal folds, intracavernous injection of hyaluronic acid preparations, change in the external opening of the urethra, etc./ + 7-926-660-78-22/+