
Pharmacomania is a form of drug addiction that is characterized by compulsive use of drugs unnecessarily or in excessive quantities. This problem is becoming increasingly relevant in modern society and is becoming a subject of widespread interest among specialists in the field of psychiatry, psychology and medicine.

Drug addiction manifests itself in a variety of ways, including the abuse of drugs and medications, as well as dependence on dietary supplements (dietary supplements) and other products sold as drugs. This behavior is not only harmful to health, but can also lead to social and economic problems such as financial loss, breaking the law, job loss, and even suicide. The reasons for drug addiction can be different, for example, stressful situations, lack of sleep, depression, anxiety, personality traits, etc. However, heredity plays an important role, since many people with drug addictions have relatives suffering from a similar problem. If you think that you or someone around you has signs of drug addiction, you need to contact a specialist, for example, a psychologist or psychiatrist. They will help determine the causes of addiction and recommend methods