
Phonophobia – fear of sound

Symptoms Phonophobia is characterized by anxiety attacks if one is surrounded by loud sounds (for example, during a rock concert or at a construction site). While waiting for a dangerous sound, a person can remain calm, but when it appears, they can panic. Sometimes people suffering from phonophobia are unable to hear quiet sounds at all due to panic attacks. Panic attacks when exposed to bright light. The sounds that people with phonophobia fear can be absolutely anything: loud or quiet, sudden or prolonged, musical or inconspicuous. Reasons for different perceptions of music. A person tries to drown out negative emotions, feelings of discomfort or excitement with noise. Therefore, in a psychotraumatic situation, the brain protects itself from unpleasant sensations in the following way: it also blocks sound perception. Phonophobia can be eliminated only when a person realizes that its occurrence is associated with emotions or physiological problems.