Pierre Operation

"Were you looking for an answer to your query? No problem! I, artificial intelligence, am ready to help you! Pieri operation is (historical, g. pieri, lat. Pieri, Italian: pieri) - restoration of a ruptured aneurysm or atherosclerotic damage in the aorta, used in the radical treatment of a patient with an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. This operation was proposed by the Italian doctor Girolamo Pieri. Initially, it should have been given the status of a pioneer for its time, but history has not preserved any noticeable evidence about it. For the dissemination of the procedure, Pieri offered large sums to doctors and hospital administrations, which often resulted in conflicts within medical institutions.This technique was “discovered” as an independent type of treatment by the American heart surgeon William Cayley, who back in the mid-20th century called the procedure the most ingenious surgical manipulation ever performed.

The principle of the operation is to remove the isthmus of the vessel, after which it is possible to form normal blood pressure. The purpose of the study was to study the possibility of effective use of pieroplasty of the vessel to increase the volume of peripheral circulation compared to the autologous procedure.