Pyogenic Membrane

Pyogenic membranes are structures that form in tissues and organs during various diseases. The pyogenic membrane has important biological and functional interests. To date, there are many studies related to this term.

A scientist like Bichkov was involved in significant study of pyogenic membranes. He conducted research on the biology and pathophysiology of membranes and their effect on the human body.

Membrane pyogenicity is characteristic of inflammation. In this case, the number of lymphocytes and granulocytes increases significantly. An active phagocytic function of leukocytes is also observed. This is due to the fact that inflammation is a condition of the body that is characterized by a disruption of homeostasis. It may be accompanied by disorganization of microcirculatory processes. During inflammation, the balance of fluid in the body changes towards its increase. Therefore, a significant accumulation of fluid occurs, due to which the volume of the pyogenic membrane increases. It is formed from platelets, red blood cells and cells that are released from damaged body tissues. Thus, pyogenic membranes can be a common cause of poor health.