Drinking medications for rabies

As for simple medicines, these are khudad, asafoetida, wormwood, dubrovnik, printed clay with wine. Nigella is a wonderful remedy in this case, so that even its name in Greek is derived from a word meaning useful in the bite of a mad dog. Myrrh is also good against this, in a drink and in a bandage.

They say that there is no cure for this better than gentian and dubrovnik, and one of the doctors says that crayfish eyes, if you drink them, turn out to be the most useful thing for this. One doctor says that if you give a sick little puppy a drink of rennet, he will recover, and someone else claims that the blood of the most rabid dog is a remedy, but I do not dare to use it. They also say Feed the sick person the fried liver of a mad dog, especially the one that bit him.

They say that after hydrophobia appears, feed him the aforementioned liver and heart, as well as the fried skin of a lame hyena.

They also say that if you give the patient in this state a drink of oilseed spurge with beaver stream or give him a suppository of these medicines, they will be beneficial and the hydrophobia will go away.

As for complex medicines, these are the medicines of Galen and the large teryak, close to what we mentioned earlier, the recipe for which is as follows: take burnt crayfish and gentian - five parts of each, incense, mint - three each, printed clay - two of this drink three dirhams on an empty stomach with warm water and three more in the evening. The medicine is consumed for many days, before the fortieth day.

Prescription of a medicine from Spanish flies that is useful for such patients. Take fatty large Spanish flies with torn off legs, heads and wings - one part, peeled lentils - part, saffron, sumbul, cloves, pepper and Chinese cinnamon - each a sixth part of all this, especially the Spanish flies, finely grind, knead in water , turn into flat cakes, each of which weighs two danaks, and give one flat cake to drink with warm water.

If you feel pain in the bladder, then drink a decoction of hulled lentils, almond butter, cream or ghee. Every day, after the patient drinks this medicine, he is taken to the bathhouse, and he sits there until he urinates in the bath; he takes moisturizing food, like isfidbaj from fattened chickens, drinks nabiz, and beware of the cold.

An abbreviated recipe for medicine from Spanish flies. They take Spanish flies, such as we have described, and soak them in raib for one day and one night, then drain the raib and replace it with another raib and again leave the flies in it for one day and one night. This is done three times, and after that the flies are dried in the shade, ground with an equal amount of shelled lentils and turned into flat cakes. At one time they give him two danakas with wine or warm water; when the patient drinks the medicine, they try to make him perspire by all possible means, forcing him to walk or wrapping him up; if the medicine he drinks makes him sick, then he is given uskurraj of olive or ghee to drink . After this, he takes a bath and urinates in it, and if he urinates blood, then he is no longer in danger of hydrophobia.