Placental Mask

Placental masks are a special type of cosmetic products that are used to care for facial skin. Developed on the basis of animal placenta or plant extracts, such masks contain many useful substances and have a positive effect on the skin.

The effectiveness of placental masks is explained by the high content of biologically active substances such as elastin, collagen, proteins and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. In addition, the placenta contains antioxidants that have the ability to slow down the aging process of the skin, as well as retain the moisture necessary for its hydration and elasticity.

Placental masks are widely used in cosmetic procedures, helping the skin look healthy and young. Some of them have specific indications and contraindications for use, so before using the placental mask, you must carefully study the instructions. One of the most important rules to remember when using such masks is to follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage. For optimal results, the placental mask should be applied once a day for a few minutes, 15 minutes after removing makeup and cleansing the facial skin.

You can purchase placental cosmetics in specialized stores or online pharmacies. They can also be presented on the websites of companies specializing in the production of such drugs. It is also important to consider that purchasing placental cream may require some additional costs for its delivery and payment for the services of a cosmetologist or dermatologist for consultation and a session.