
Plagiarhozy is a system in which users can generate content and receive rewards for it. However, in some cases, some participants may use other people's work and pass it off as their own. This is a violation of copyright and can lead to negative consequences for all participants in the system. In this article, we will look at the main problems associated with plagiarism and possible solutions to prevent them.

One of the main problems of plagiarism in the Internet environment is its negative impact on authors and copyright holders. Authors who create unique content put their time, effort and energy into creating it, while plagiarists use it without payment or simply take credit for themselves as the author. Copyright holders, while working to protect copyrights, suffer from the theft of their intellectual property, which causes them to lose money, reputation and business development opportunities. Therefore, one of the important tasks to combat plagiarism is to ensure compliance with copyright.

One of the main measures that can be taken to prevent plagiarism is to increase user awareness about the rules of content use. Users must understand that