Plague Ulcer

**Plague ulcer** is a bacterial infectious disease. Sometimes called acute or typical, since this is the most common course of the disease today. **Causes of plague ulcers.** The bacterium that causes plague, Yersinia pestis, secretes proteolytic enzymes that cause necrosis of soft tissues. Infection occurs due to contact with infected animal tissues and human carriers of the infection. The pathogen enters the body through damage to the skin, mucous membranes, and wounds. Plague is much less common in children than in adults. Children can become infected during epidemics that occur through contact with people.

Symptoms of plague -High body temperature up to 40 degrees


-A sore throat


Weakness and malaise - Nausea and vomiting

Ulcers on the skin with bleeding - in 30 percent of cases, enlarged lymph nodes, hair loss after illness,


Meningitis is a very rare form of the disease and is accompanied by vomiting, cramps, and headache. In such cases, the disease threatens death if medical help is not received in time. It also affects the central nervous system.