
Population is the totality of people living in a certain territory and who are citizens of this country, as well as foreigners temporarily or permanently residing in this territory.

Depending on the administrative division, the population can be classified into urban and rural. The urban population is people living in cities, and the rural population is people living in rural areas.

Also, the population can be divided into national, ethnic, religious, etc. National population is those people who belong to a certain nationality, ethnic - to a certain ethnic group, and religious - to a certain religion.

Various methods are used to study populations, such as censuses, demographic studies and social surveys. The population census is carried out once every five years and provides information on the population size, its composition and dynamics. Demographic studies study the processes of fertility, mortality and migration of the population. Social surveys make it possible to assess the standard of living of the population, its needs and expectations.

The study of population is important for understanding the social structure of a society, identifying needs and opportunities for economic development and solving social problems.

Do you want to know the concept of "population"? Ok, I'll try. Here are some definitions. Population is a collection of people (residents) located in a certain territory and who are subject to a certain territorial position and subject to administrative-territorial divisions. The population of a world or country is the totality of all living people on a certain part of the planet. Population is the name given to the number and composition of people in a particular group (region). The population includes members of a certain community from birth to death. The moment and date of birth is a very important point when counting the residents of certain areas. Population composition includes fertility, mortality, infant mortality and many other indicators. Quite often, demographic data is used to compare different countries and continents with each other. In this case, various data are taken into account, for example, the total fertility rate, etc.