Plant poisoning

Acute plant poisoning usually occurs in the warm season among tourists who eat unfamiliar plants, or among children vacationing in summer camps in their dachas.
Sometimes acute plant poisoning can occur during self-medication, when extracts and herbal decoctions are consumed. Some poisonous plants cause severe burns to the skin, mucous membranes and allergic reactions upon contact with them.
The following poisonous plants are found in Ukraine: belladonna, wild rosemary, henbane, datura, cherry laurel, nightshade, etc.
Prevention of plant poisoning
You need to acquire a good habit and teach your children:
• Avoid unknown plants.
• Do not eat unknown plants.
• Do not allow children to collect on their own
• Do not consume herbal extracts made
without the consent of the attending physician.
• Do not increase the dose of extracts yourself
and decoctions prescribed by the attending physician.
• If you go on a trip, don't forget
Please take a first aid kit with you
can and find out how to prevent cases
Signs and symptoms of plant poisoning
• Poisons of plant origin are highly
damage the digestive organs.
• Symptoms of poisoning appear after 1
2 hours.
• Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea occur.
• Severe dehydration causes
new weakness.
• When poisoned by berries, henbane appears
dizziness and hallucinations.
First aid for plant poisoning
• Follow the principles of care
for oral poisoning.
• Give the victim sorbents, for example,
stale bread.
• Put the victim to bed.
• Call an ambulance.