
Plantography is a method of examining the foot to determine its shape and compliance with the norm. This method can be used to diagnose various foot diseases such as flat feet, toe deformities and others.

Plantography is carried out by measuring the height of the foot on a special platform. The patient stands on the platform with his eyes closed, and the doctor measures the height of the instep using a special instrument.

The results of plantography can be used to evaluate the condition of the foot and select the correct treatment. For example, if a patient is diagnosed with flat feet, the doctor may recommend wearing orthopedic shoes or other devices to correct the foot.

In addition, plantography can be used to determine the cause of foot pain or other foot problems. For example, if a patient complains of foot pain when walking, then plantography can help determine whether this is due to flat feet or another foot pathology.

In general, plantography is an important method for diagnosing and treating foot diseases. It allows you to obtain accurate information about the condition of the foot and choose the right treatment.

Plantography is a method used in medicine to determine the height and position of the foot. This method is based on analyzing the position of the foot when walking or standing.

The purpose of plantography is to determine the height and shape of the foot. This data can be used to diagnose various diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal diseases.

The process of plantography involves asking the patient to stand at a certain height and then photographing their foot. The photographic image is then examined by a qualified physician or plantographer. They analyze the shape and height of the foot, which allows them to draw conclusions about the patient’s health status.

However, plantography can be used not only to diagnose diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. For example, after surgery on a foot or other part of the body, a doctor may use plantography to evaluate the outcome of the surgery and determine the need for additional procedures.

In addition, the plantogram can