Plastics Free

Free plastic surgery is a surgical operation to transplant tissues or organs from one place to another. In this case, the organ or tissue is completely separated from the maternal bed on which it was located.

Free plastic surgery is used in various fields of medicine, such as orthopedics, ophthalmology, urology, etc. It allows you to solve problems associated with insufficient or missing tissue or organ, as well as restore the functionality of the body.

One of the most common examples of free plastic surgery is skin grafting. In this process, skin is taken from another area of ​​the body that is not vital and transplanted to the area where it is needed. This allows you to restore the damaged area of ​​skin and return it to normal functioning.

Free plastic surgery can also be used for organ transplantation. For example, during a heart or liver transplant, the organ is completely separated from its mother's bed and transplanted to a new location. This allows you to save the patient’s life and return him to normal life.

However, like any operation, free plastic surgery has its risks and complications. One of the most serious complications is organ or tissue rejection. This occurs when the body perceives the transplanted organ as foreign and begins to attack it.

To reduce the risk of rejection, various methods are used, such as the use of immunosuppressive drugs, selection of compatible tissues and organs, and careful monitoring of the patient's condition after surgery.

In general, free plastic surgery is an important procedure in medicine and allows solving complex problems related to the health of patients. However, like any other medical procedure, it requires highly qualified surgeons and careful monitoring of the condition of patients after surgery.