Plaster Sticky

**Sticky Plaster** is a textile product used for superficial external local therapeutic effects on the skin (stopping bleeding, stimulating the resorption of scars). There are types of patches for attaching medical devices. When buying, people pay attention to the color, and as you know, the color range of Velcro varies in color intensity and degree of elasticity. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that red is not always “red”. The manufacturer has the right to use different ingredients when creating his product that give it color or strength. The pharmacy world is full of preparations for topical use - ointments, gels, creams, which most often also include 88 adhesive tapes. Before purchasing a product, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

The Velcro should be of different quality from an adhesive plaster and should come off easily. Be sure to compare the tape on the plaster wound on a napkin or jar with new tape. If they are tightly stuck together, then all questions are removed immediately. The tape must be uniform in thickness, otherwise the patch may move or unwind. Elasticity, density and width should be determined in the early stages of purchase, without relying on product information. The strip should lie on the surface without problems, without assemblies or errors. In the process of bending the arm, it, on the contrary, should remain in its original position without changing its size. The packaging should look good. After