Age Nursery Junior

The junior nursery age is the age period from zero to one year, covering nursery - the first stage of early development, kindergarten - the second stage of early development. Consists of a younger toddler (zero to 4 months) and an older toddler (4 months to 3 years). This age is important for the development of a child, since during this period many body functions are formed and preparation for later life occurs. But each age of a child has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when raising and teaching.

In early childhood, it is important for children to learn: - control their movements, coordinate them with the movements of others; - sit independently; - stand with support; - stand without support;

- walk with support from both hands; -walk holding one hand. To develop motor skills, it is important to carry out massage and gymnastics, as well as use various toys and games that will help the child learn to coordinate his movements.

Early toddlerhood is an important stage of child development. During this period, children begin to actively explore the world, learn to communicate with peers and adults. For older toddlers it is important: - to be