Stereotactic Atlas

A stereotactic atlas (SA) is a collection of diagrammatic images that describe the location of various structures in the brain. It is used to plan and perform brain surgeries, such as implanting electrodes in specific areas of the brain to treat epilepsy, and to monitor the growth of tumors and other diseases.

SA allows the surgeon to obtain accurate information about the location of brain structures and their relationships with other areas. This helps avoid damage to adjacent structures, which can lead to serious complications.

Various imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) are used to create SA. These techniques provide detailed, high-resolution images of the brain.

Once the images are acquired, the surgeon uses the SA to plan the operation. It selects the area to be processed and determines which structures should be preserved. He then determines where to implant electrodes or other medical devices.

Stereotactic atlases are an important tool in neurosurgery and help improve surgical results and reduce the risk of complications. They can also be used to study the brain for scientific purposes, such as studying the connection between different areas of the brain and human behavior.

Stereotactic atlas. Belonging to individual projects of the Institute of Cytology.

Land accumulations have many problems associated with determining the coordinates of a point's location. The presence of images of structures for various purposes makes it difficult to establish the coordinates of the depicted objects. The lack of methods for measuring image coordinates significantly complicates the creation of volumetric formalized images of an object in natural conditions. To develop a stereotactic atlas, a massive system for measuring angular coordinates is needed, which makes it possible to automatically determine their position on the ground and thereby solve the problem of spatial orientation of objects. Selection of waves with a length of more or less than 1 mm from the entire range of electromagnetic fields makes it possible to effectively select the most informative components suitable for information processing. In all cases there is