Salipod patch for warts and spines: price, reviews, instructions

Salipod patch


The content of the article:
  1. What is Salipod patch
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Wart treatment results
  6. Real reviews about the Salipod patch

Salipod is a patch designed to remove epidermal tumors, including those caused by human papillomavirus. It is a popular remedy used primarily to eliminate simple warts and thorns.

What is Salipod patch?

Spike on the leg

Photo of a spine on a leg

The Salipod patch is a fairly well-known remedy for the treatment of calluses and warts. Used exclusively at home, externally and, if possible, locally.

According to the instructions for the Salipod patch, the indications for its use are calluses. However, given the fact that it contains salicylic acid, which is actively used in the treatment of benign tumors caused by HPV, there are many cases of treatment of papillomas with this remedy.

Salipod is used in the treatment of such epidermal inclusions:

  1. Simple warts. Children are more often susceptible to this type of neoplasm. These growths are small, tuberculate epithelial compounds protruding above the skin. They are found mainly on the fingers of the upper and lower extremities.
  2. Flat warts. This type of wart is most common in teenagers and primarily affects the face. But it happens that such growths form throughout the body. These papillomas are named so because of their structure - they rise above the surface of the epidermis, but only slightly. They grow much wider than simple warts, thus having a peculiar flat configuration.
  3. Spikes. This type of papillomas is also called plantar warts, and popularly called dry calluses. They got the name “plantar” because they are often localized on the soles of the feet. However, they can also form on the fingers of the lower and upper extremities. The difference between this type of neoplasm and other types of epidermal inclusions caused by HPV is that they grow not outward, but inward, and among all types of papillomas, they are the most difficult to remove. They occur equally often in representatives of both sexes of any age.

Salipod patch for warts

The photo shows the Salipod patch for warts

The action of the Salipod patch is based on a double effect: neutralization of the virus and destruction of the tumor. This can be achieved thanks to two active ingredients, as well as active auxiliary ingredients.

The Salipod patch contains the following components:

  1. Salicylic acid. This substance is actively used in cosmetics, being the basis of ointments, creams, masks, scrubs and other cosmetic preparations. Despite the fact that this substance is found in plants, an artificially synthesized composition is used for industrial use. It is odorless and dissolves well in alcohol and hot water. The acid penetrates deep into the neoplasm and creates an acidic environment there, due to which the bonds in the surface layers of the skin are disrupted and they separate. This process leads to softening of the skin.
  2. Precipitated sulfur. It is presented as a fine powder with a pale yellow tint. Insoluble in water. It is well absorbed into the skin, having a fairly strong effect on it. It is actively used in cosmetic and pharmacological products. After the softening effect of salicylic acid, it actively penetrates the cells and kills the virus. Helps in drying out the tumor. This speeds up the peeling of warts.
  3. Lanolin anhydrous. This component is animal wax. It is obtained by boiling sheep wool. It is represented by a thick, viscous yellow mass with a peculiar odor. It is distinguished from other waxes by its increased content of sterols. It has good absorption into the skin and has a softening effect. In medical preparations it is the basis of ointments and adhesive plaster. The most popular use of this substance is to heal cracked nipples in nursing women.
  4. Pine rosin. Another name for this remedy is harpius. A rather peculiar substance with a shell-like fracture and a glassy sheen. The color ranges from dark red to light yellow. Synthesized from coniferous tree resin.

The plaster is represented by soft elastic plates, produced in different sizes, mainly 2 by 10 and 6 by 10 cm. The kit includes 2 types of plaster: one that has a therapeutic effect on tumors, the second for securing the therapeutic plaster. Packaged in paper pocket bags, on the back of which there are instructions.

The price of the Salipod patch is from 72 rubles in Russia (from 26 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Mozolin and Salicylic-sulfur ointment are considered analogues of the Salipod patch. However, this only applies to the action of the anti-callus product. Analogs for the effect on papillomas are an alcohol solution of salicylic acid and salicylic ointment.
  1. Read also about Lapis pencil for papillomas and warts

Useful properties of the Salipod patch for warts and spines

What does the Salipod patch look like?

Salicylic acid, which is part of the patch, is known for its destructive properties in relation to organic matter. That is why the use of the product involves a number of restrictions and precautions that should not be neglected.

The patch is not used on the face and is not used for traumatic neoplasms, such as filamentous papillomas and anogenital condylomas. It is effective in the fight against rough papillomas, the formation of which is often accompanied by significant keratinization of the epidermis.

The following action of the Salipod patch helps cure papillomas:

  1. Antiseptic. The activity of the sweat glands is suppressed, as well as the secretion of sebum is reduced. This leads to cleansing of the wound from putrefactive discharge and a decrease in the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Cauterizing. At the site of application, the penetration of substances into the epidermis occurs so deeply that they cauterize it, killing all living things in the neoplasm, including the virus that caused the cell mutation.
  3. Keratolytic. The top layer can be softened and discolored, which leads to easy separation of the skin affected by HPV from the surface of the skin.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. Increased blood circulation and metabolism in the renewed area of ​​the epidermis helps eliminate inflammation and speed up wound healing.

Read also about the benefits of Panavir Intimate spray for papillomas.

Instructions for use of the Salipod patch for warts

Application of the Salipod patch

As with any product aimed at removing epidermal tumors caused by HPV, it is necessary to pre-treat papillomas. Warts should be washed with soap and dried. Steam the spines and remove as much dead skin as possible.

There is no need to treat the area adjacent to the application with protective cream. Firstly, the concentration of active ingredients in Salipod is not so high as to cause significant burns to the epidermis, and secondly, the use of any greasy product will make it impossible to attach the healing and fixing patch to the skin.

How to use the Salipod patch:

  1. Remove the plates from the packaging. Using scissors, cut off a portion of the treatment patch that exactly matches the configuration of your tumor. Only a slight protrusion of the patch beyond the edge of the wart is allowed.
  2. Remove the cellophane tape and firmly attach the patch to the tumor. For best contact, the skin should be completely dry.
  3. Cover the top of the wart with a fixing plaster much larger than the medicinal one.
  4. Remove the Salipod patch after 2 days.

How to use the Salipod patch for spines

The photo shows how to apply the Salipod patch for spines

After removing the patch, you can perform a steaming procedure followed by removal of keratinized areas of the epidermis.

Give your skin a rest and apply again. Continue using the patch until the wart peels off from the epidermis.

  1. See also instructions for use of the drug Malavit for papillomas

Contraindications to the use of the Salipod patch

Pregnant woman

Absolute contraindications to the use of the Salipod patch are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and urticaria.

The following patients should use the product with caution:

  1. for allergy sufferers;
  2. children;
  3. pregnant women;
  4. nursing

The decision to prescribe the Salipod patch to children, women carrying a fetus and those in the process of breastfeeding should be made only by a pediatrician, gynecologist, or therapist. A strict determination of the benefit-risk ratio is necessary. For such patients, it is better to carry out the first use of the drug in a medical setting. When using it during lactation, it is advisable to stop breastfeeding for the duration of treatment.

Minor side effects may occur:

  1. Tingling or pinching sensation in the area of ​​application;
  2. Redness of the tumor;
  3. Development of mild pain syndrome.
These side effects do not require discontinuation of the drug if they pass quickly and without additional therapy. If they cause unbearable discomfort, rinse the application area under running water and seek help from a doctor.
  1. See also contraindications to the use of Clareol gel for papillomas

Results of treatment of warts and spines with Salipod patch

Results of spine removal using Salipod patch

The photo shows the results of spine removal using Salipod patch

There is no official data from the manufacturer regarding the effect of using the Salipod patch against tumors caused by HPV. This is due to the fact that the removal of warts is not the intended use of this medication.

To remove calluses, according to the instructions for using the Salipod patch, you need 3-5 applications, two days each. As noted in the reviews of patients using this remedy for warts, sometimes such procedures are enough to remove them. But more often, treatment of papillomas takes longer than removal of calluses.

Note! When treating old plantar splints, therapy can last a month or even more.
  1. Read also about the results of using Panavir gel for papillomas and warts

Real reviews about the Salipod patch for warts

Reviews of the Salipod patch for warts

The Salipod patch has mostly positive reviews. True, in most cases they concern the treatment of calluses, since this remedy is aimed primarily at combating calluses and keratinization. However, there are also quite a lot of reviews about the use of this remedy against warts. They are also positive.

Alena, 39 years old, Omsk

After I turned 25, I began to suffer from plantar warts. I don’t know where I got infected, but from time to time I started getting these nasty dry calluses. I used different means - from folk to ultra-modern. The traditional ones didn’t help, but the ultra-modern ones were very expensive. So I started looking for something in between. A cousin's wedding was planned in a couple of months, and I bought heels. My spine was located in such a place that when walking on flat soles it did not cause discomfort, but when putting on heels, the emphasis was placed exactly on that place, and it was very painful. So it was necessary to withdraw. After cryo-freezing, I was severely damaged and limped for quite a long time. Therefore, I decided to try products based on salicylic acid. I settled on the Salipod patch for warts. The package contains a medical patch and a fixing one. I cut out the healing patch and glued it onto the warts, but I didn’t use the fixing patch included in the kit, as it came off. I took a regular adhesive plaster and used it to fix the health plaster crosswise. Before each use, I steamed my foot and cleaned the dead skin as much as possible with pumice stone. I kept the application for 2 days the first time, then several times for 3 days and the last time for 5 days. In general, it is better to take a break between sealings so that the skin somehow comes to its senses. But I was in a hurry to get to the appointed date, so I did it this way. As a result, a whole layer of my skin came off along with the spine. Beneath it was new, healthy skin. And, best of all, there are no side effects - itching, irritation, pain, burns.

Angela, 32 years old, Krasnodar

The formation of spines on the middle fingers of the right and left hands began with small points. On one hand the wart was right on the bone, on the other - on the inside. The one on the bone prevented the finger from bending, making this manipulation quite painful. I'm a huge coward. It took me 3 years to decide to have it removed. I started taking active steps after they started to get dark. I was really scared and rushed to the doctor. I was recommended laser removal on both arms at once. At the same time, it was forbidden to wet your hands for 7-10 days after the procedure. I physically cannot imagine how you can go 10 days without washing your hands. I said that I would think about it and come back in a while. The dermatologist gave instructions - before the laser procedure, use the Salipod callus patch for the spine for 7 days. I bought a patch, looked at it with some skepticism, but started gluing it. My fingers were permanently taped. I changed it once a day. At the same time, I calmly wet my hands. Imagine my surprise when, after 2 days, the top layer of the wart peeled off and underneath it was the inner part, terrible to look at, consisting of red and black dots. I saw that the patch was somehow working and continued using it. Every day my warts changed. Gradually they became whiter. I continued the treatment for up to 10 days. And on the tenth day, one of the spines completely peeled off. After another 2 days, another one peeled off. Frankly speaking, I was simply in shock. As a result, I did not need an expensive and traumatic procedure; I managed it with just a plaster.

Valentin, 48 years old, St. Petersburg

It’s hard to imagine a more unpleasant activity than looking at photographs of other people’s sores. But I'm a person who doesn't take anyone's word for it. And when warts appeared on my hands, in search of a means to remove them, I watched a bunch of videos and read many articles on the Internet. I was especially impressed by the photos before and after using the Salipod patch. I was inspired by the experience of others and decided to try to use it myself. To begin with, I bought the smallest package of plaster, cut out a circle strictly according to the diameter of my wart and glued it on. After 24 hours I took it off, let the skin rest for a day and then glued it on again. As a result, after 10 applications, that is, even in less than a month, my warts remained all on the patch. My joy knew no bounds. I recommend this product for use.

  1. See also real reviews about Immunomax powder for injections for HPV

How to use the Salipod patch - watch the video:


The Salipod patch, despite the fact that it is not intended to be a means of combating epidermal tumors caused by HPV, copes with this task quite effectively. Its undeniable advantages include low cost and ease of use. The disadvantages include the fact that the treatment is quite long.

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