How to relieve muscle tension, mental stress and overexertion in athletes?

Working to the limit mobilizes to the greatest extent reserves of the human body and allows you to achieve the highest levels of quality of activity. Improvement and training of body systems go through tension and fatigue. However, the degree of this tension and fatigue has its limits, beyond which it begins overvoltage — pathology and decreased quality of activity. We will tell you how to remove it and prevent it from happening in this article...

For some athletes, anxiety has a negative impact on the quality of competitive activity, i.e. reduces the result. Accordingly, eliminating or reducing the degree of anxiety will lead to an increase in competitive results. One of the most harmful consequences of athlete anxiety is total voltage - mental and muscular.

In this case, mental stress absorbs a significant part of mental energy, which is wasted; causes general tension in the muscular system; dissipates the flow of impulses directed to the working muscles, covering also the group of antagonist muscles.

Mental stress is one of the most typical features of activity in sports, since competition (or training) always requires maximum strain on the spiritual, and, of course, physical strength of the athlete. And excessive mental stress during competitions is the most common cause of unsuccessful performances by athletes.

If tension in the muscular system occurs involuntarily (as a result of excitement), the response flow of impulses acts on both the muscles performing the necessary work and the antagonist muscles. At the same time, the effort of both muscle groups increases, which ultimately leads to increased energy expenditure. Thus, for a significant proportion of athletes, anxiety reduces competitive results.

But the question is: how to relieve muscle tension? And how to prevent mental stress and overexertion of athletes during upcoming competitions. Is there any way to prepare yourself for this? And how to control all these processes? Overvoltage, both physical and emotional, depends to a greater extent on the insufficient general preparedness of the athlete than on the volume, quality and intensity of the load, and can lead to overwork And overtraining.

Of course, such skills do not appear overnight - it takes years and significant experience in serious performances, with which this experience will gradually accumulate. And also actively work with a coach in terms of your psychological preparation. Only a very few experienced athletes manage to put aside all worries and worries, as well as relieve muscle tension in time, and show their best results...

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