Plasmoglycine Test

Plasmography (human biography) is a set of methods and techniques for recording the state of the biofield (psychophysical energy), its distribution over the surface of the body (body) and throughout the entire volume of the psyche (aura). The methodology of plasmaography consists of measuring and graphically presenting relevant characteristics, including using special instruments. Experiments are being conducted in the fields of psychology (studying the influence on the fields of human groups of television programs about shocking crimes, fortune telling on coffee, leaders of pop groups with a pronounced musical rhythm of sound, black stripes printed on the abacus drum, card games, moths, candles), parapsychology (communications the state of the psychofield and the degree of potentization of the “sick” organ), phytopathic diagnosis (a correspondence is established between the nature of excitation of the human body and the color that has a depressing effect). However, due to the fact that at present there are no reliable and objective criteria for assessing the reliability (validity) of the data obtained, conclusions drawn from the results of using the technique (“Plasmography”) are overly subjective. In recent decades, “Plasmography” has been considered a pseudoscience.

As of 2023, there is no criterion for the reliability of using these devices recognized by all experts in the world, since they do not have a documented measurement technique, the necessary certificates or permits, and the equipment is considered “laboratory”.