Fetus Premature

A premature fetus (f. immaturus) is a fetus born before the full term of pregnancy.

Prematurity is defined as the birth of a baby at less than 37 weeks. The causes of prematurity can be associated both with the characteristics of the mother’s body and with complications during pregnancy.

In premature babies, many organs and systems of the body are immature, including the lungs, digestive system, and immunity. This leads to an increased risk of developing various complications in the neonatal period.

Premature babies need special care - compliance with a certain temperature regime, respiratory support, and parenteral nutrition. Many premature babies spend their first years of life in the intensive care unit.

The prognosis for premature babies largely depends on the degree of immaturity and the development of complications. Modern technologies make it possible to ensure the care and subsequent development of even very premature babies. However, long-term observation of such children by pediatricians and specialists is often required.