
**A filling** is a special dental material that is used for the treatment and restoration of teeth. The dense structure and chemical formula make the fillings extremely durable, which allows them to withstand high loads and last a long time. Dentists use fillings to correct various dental problems, such as cracks, chips and other defects. Typically, filling materials include minerals such as quartz, glass, and porcelain. They may also contain various additives that give the fillings special properties, such as color or transparency.

One of the main benefits of using fillings is that they can be used to correct dental problems not only on the front crowns, but also on the molars, back crowns and interdental spaces. This allows you to improve the overall appearance and functionality of your teeth. However, fillings also have some disadvantages. First, the filling material may be of lower quality than natural teeth, especially if the fillings are applied to already damaged or decayed teeth. In addition, fillings can cause discomfort and pain, especially in the first days after installation. This may be due to the fact that the tooth on which the filling is installed may not be accustomed to pressure and overload. However, fillings are one of the most effective dental treatments. They allow you to maintain the natural appearance of your teeth and quickly get rid of problems without damaging neighboring teeth. It is important to note that the filling material must be installed by a specialist who has sufficient experience and uses the latest technologies and materials. Only then can the durability and safety of the fillings be guaranteed.