Flexor Toes Short

The toe flexor is a group of muscles that is located on the front of the foot and is responsible for flexing the toes.

The toe flexor consists of two muscles: the flexor of the big toe (m. flexor hallucis brevis) and the flexor of the other four toes (m. flexor digitorum longus).

The short toe flexors are two muscles that are located on the back of the foot. They are responsible for extending the fingers and are called extensors of the toes.

The function of the toe flexors is to flex the toes when walking, running, or other movements. The flexors also help maintain balance and stability when walking.

Injuries or illnesses involving these muscles can cause pain and limited range of motion in the toes, which can lead to problems with walking and other movements.

To prevent toe flexor problems, you need to do regular exercise such as walking, running, swimming and yoga. It is also important to watch your diet and avoid being overweight, as this can increase stress on your joints and muscles.