Pneumonia Central

Central pneumonia (pneumonia centralis) is an inflammation of the lungs that occurs in the root region. This disease can be caused by various bacterial or viral infections, as well as allergic reactions.

Symptoms of central pneumonia include cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and general malaise. This condition may require hospitalization and treatment with antibiotics or other medications.

To prevent central pneumonia, you need to monitor your health, avoid contact with sick people, get vaccinated against influenza and other infections, as well as eat right and exercise.

Overall, central pneumonia is a serious condition that can lead to serious health consequences. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow his recommendations for treatment and prevention.

Central pneumonia is a lesion of the hilar and cortical segments of the lungs. Develops against the background of chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract or bronchi, and may be accompanied by fever, cough, shortness of breath, general weakness, cyanosis (cyanosis), cardiac arrhythmias, hemoptysis, etc. In general, central pneumonia is a fairly serious complication and requires immediate medical attention.

Central pneumonia occurs due to inflammation in the hilar and cortical areas of the lungs. This inflammation occurs due to infections such as influenza, pneumococcus, mycoplasma, etc., and may be associated with other diseases of the respiratory system such as bronchitis, asthma or tuberculosis. The lung center is responsible for respiratory function and is located in the center of the chest. Inflammation in this area can make it difficult to breathe and cause other symptoms such as cough, fever, chest pain and weakness.

Diagnosis of central pneumonia is based on symptoms and a chest x-ray, which shows changes in the cortex and hilar layer of the lungs. Treatment may include antibiotics, antivirals, vasoconstrictors, mucolytics to relieve cough, and oxygen therapy if necessary. It is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of central pneumonia, as this is a serious complication and can lead to serious consequences.

In conclusion, central pneumonia is a dangerous condition that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. People with chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and bronchi should monitor their health and not ignore the symptoms. Compliance with hygiene and work and rest regime also plays an important role in the prevention of central pneumonia.