Pneumonia Chronic

Chronic pneumonia is a serious disease that requires complex treatment and long-term observation. It can develop in children for various reasons, such as congenital malformations of the bronchopulmonary system, systemic connective tissue diseases, or hereditary immunodeficiency conditions. The disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory process in the lungs, which can lead to respiratory failure, chest deformation and delayed physical development.

The clinical picture of chronic pneumonia in children can be varied. In young children, exacerbations are more severe and recur more often, and in school-aged children, during exacerbations, the temperature may remain normal. The degree of respiratory failure depends on the extent of the process.

To establish a diagnosis of chronic pneumonia in children, an anamnesis, examination and x-ray examination are performed. Differential diagnosis is carried out in the presence of obstructive syndrome, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis or hemosiderosis.

Treatment of chronic pneumonia in children is carried out in a hospital and includes the use of antibiotics in accordance with the sensitivity of the microbial flora, antibiotic aerosols, nystatin, antihistamines, vitamins, inhalations with sodium bicarbonate solutions, proteolytic enzymes, acetylcysteine ​​and sputum thinning drugs. Expectorants, positional drainage, therapeutic bronchoscopy and other methods are also used. During the period of exacerbation, treatment is carried out in a hospital, and follow-up treatment after hospital stay is recommended to be carried out in local specialized sanatoriums.

The prognosis depends on the correctness of treatment, the presence of complications and the extent of the process. With localized forms of chronic pneumonia, the prognosis is favorable, but with widespread forms, the pathological process often progresses.

Prevention consists of timely treatment of acute and prolonged pneumonia, foci of chronic infection and includes a combination of courses of preventive therapy, children staying in sanatoriums and resorts, and in some cases surgical treatment may be required. In any case, early detection and proper treatment of chronic pneumonia in children is an important condition for maintaining their health and quality of life.

Pneumonia or pneumonia is an acute infectious disease that is characterized by damage to the alveolar structures and small pulmonary vesicles. According to WHO, there are several types of pneumonia: Pneumococcal (most often a complication of ARVI). Mycoplasma. Parapertussis. Bacterial atypical. Staphylococcal, etc. However, recently there has been a growing trend in patients with chronic pneumonia. This is due to an increase in the resistance of pathogenic microbes to antibiotics.

Causes of chronic pneumonia: Exposure to adverse environmental factors: working in hazardous industries, living in poor environmental conditions, etc. Pathologies of the respiratory system: smoking, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, pleurisy, laryngitis, etc. Disorders of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, atherosclerosis, stroke. Immune deficiency and chronic infections - a prolonged inflammatory process depletes the body's defenses and reduces the ability to resist bacterial or viral attack. Diabetes. Long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs can cause dysbiosis with the development of microbial metabolism.