
Pneumopyegrof is a method for examining the collecting system and urinary tract by recording pressure in the renal pelvis and various parts of the ureter during the examination. To carry it out, various radiopaque agents are used, which allow you to see the anatomical structure of the organs of the urinary system. In fact,

Pneumopialogry (Greek pneumatikos - inflated, filled with air, subrenal, Lat. pyelography - from pyes or pelvis - subvesical renal artery and grapho - write) - contrast X-ray examination of the kidneys and urinary tract using pneumatic percutaneous or intravenous access with the introduction of air or other inert gases. Pneumopyiology is used to clarify the degree of damage to the calyces and renal tubules in acute or chronic pyelonephritis, as well as to determine the effectiveness of treatment [Kapralov A.V., 2004]. With renal colic, pain usually radiates to the lumbar region on the affected side and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. X-rays of the kidneys begin with the second study, if a few hours after the administration of an aqueous solution of the barium mixture, the painful symptoms are completely relieved. It should be noted that the “pneumohydrate” image corresponds to the outline of the contour of the collecting system, which is much easier to determine than the relief stack plate, especially with urinary anomalies