
Pneumatic engineering is a field of science, technology and industry that deals with the creation and production of pneumatic systems and devices. It includes the development and production of various devices, instruments and systems that use compressed air or gas to perform various tasks.

Pneumatic systems are widely used in various industries, especially in those that require high precision and reliable operation of mechanisms. Pneumatic systems can be used to control and control various devices, to transmit power, to transport materials, and to create pressure in hydraulic systems. Unlike hydraulic and electrical systems, pneumatic systems do not require electronic components, making them cheaper and more reliable.

The simplest example of the use of pneumatics is the automobile braking system, in which the brake pedal compresses air and transmits pressure to the brake pads. Other pneumatic devices, such as air nozzles and valves, also operate on this principle. All of these systems are familiar to us from childhood due to the air flow control devices directed at us from the strobe lights of schoolchildren and security guards, but there are also serious purposes that are attributed to pneumatics. One of these goals is the creation of environmentally friendly vehicles. A gas, such as water vapor, is easier to cool the engine driving the vehicle. What fuel this happens on is not so important, since the use of compressed air makes it possible to achieve higher power and efficiency of transport. This is especially important in agriculture and construction. One can imagine how, instead of rail transport and heavy trucks, many tasks are performed by easily maneuverable vehicles with a compact device powered by compressed air or gas.