
Pneumosinusitis is a common condition that can lead to serious health problems. This is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses associated with an infection or allergic reaction. Symptoms may include nasal congestion, runny nose, headache and facial discomfort.

The causes of pneumosinusitis are viruses, bacteria, allergens, smoking, polluted air, and other irritants. If not treated promptly, this condition can lead to more serious complications such as sinus infection, chronic sinusitis, osteomyelitis of the nose and other bone structures.

Treatment for pneumosinusitis requires consultation with a doctor and an antibiotic to kill the infection. Antibiotics are selected in accordance with culture results, taking into account sensitivity to the drug. While treating symptoms, avoid smoking and contact with contaminated environments as much as possible. In addition, you should avoid hypothermia and respiratory illnesses.

If left untreated, pneumosinus can lead to life-threatening complications, especially in people who are immunocompromised, such as those with diabetes or those receiving immunosuppressants after an organ transplant. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular examinations with a doctor and follow prevention recommendations.