Why do women get thrush?

This article will touch upon a very important topic for the fair sex - thrush. In medical circles it is called candiosis. This article will not talk about various treatment methods (this is a completely separate topic), but will only touch on the primary causes of thrush in women, who will be able to suggest effective ways to treat it.

The situation in this case is such that there can be an incredible number of actual factors causing this problem, ranging from a banal cold to more significant and dangerous illnesses than the thrush itself (AIDS and HIV).

The causes of thrush are as follows:
  1. The first common cause of thrush is a problem with women's immunity (decreased immunity).
    The Candida fungus is constantly present in the human body, however, with a decrease in the functions of the immune system, the woman’s body cannot control the reproduction and development of this fungus. In this case, it affects the mucosal membranes and causes significant inflammation.
  2. The second common cause of candidiasis can be the use of antibiotic drugs.
    Everyone knows very well that antibiotics destroy not only unfavorable, but also beneficial bacteria in the human body. In this situation, lactobacilli, which control the growth of fungi, are destroyed during the use of antibiotics. This fact contributes to the effective development of the fungus, because the protective barrier is simply absent. Despite all this, fungi reproduce well, because they are not afraid of any antibiotic drugs.
  3. Wrong diet.
    A nutritious diet also plays a rather significant role; if you regularly consume food in fast foods, eat a large amount of sweets and yeast products, then thrush can easily occur even in a completely healthy female body. Currently, ladies are often addicted to all kinds of diets, which causes a lack of vitamins and protein, which is directly involved in the formation of the mucous membrane.
  4. One of the common reasons is poor intimate hygiene.
  1. abuse of all kinds of creams, gels, soaps and other means;
  2. It is recommended to use pads for “red days” without any fragrances. These products must be changed regularly - at least 3 times every day;
  3. It is also recommended to use toilet paper without fragrances.
  1. Pay attention to the underwear you wear.
    It is necessary to completely and completely forget about tight and synthetic underwear, it can change the acidity of the vagina, and these are very favorable conditions for the development and reproduction of unfavorable bacteria. It is recommended to choose cotton underwear.

To sum up, we can say with confidence that thrush is lastly transmitted through sexual contact, because there are a huge number of reasons that must always be remembered.

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