Renal Failure Hidden

***Kidney failure is a disease in which the kidneys cannot properly process waste products from the body, as well as convert certain medications that enter the body***. The development of this pathology is due to impaired blood supply to the kidneys and a decrease in their filtration capacity.

**Depending on the reasons that caused the pathological changes, the following types of this disease are distinguished:** * Renal-hepatic - dysfunction develops against the background of liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty hepatosis). In this case, the production of enzymes that remove toxins from the blood is disrupted. Bile reflux from the ducts also occurs, which leads to damage to the renal pelvis;

* Tubular - reabsorption of urine in the convoluted tubules of the kidneys is impaired. This type of disease is often congenital and occurs with a mild clinical picture in the early stages. Typically, pathology appears only when tissue reactivity decreases; * Mesangiocapillary - characterized by damage to the basement membrane that connects the renal tubules into a single whole, as a result of which the production of connective tissue is disrupted. Most often, the pathology develops in men aged 45-60 years; * Interstitial – consists of inflammation of the kidney parenchyma, thickening of the connective tissue septa inside the organ is determined. This leads to limited filtration processes and poor circulation. Very rarely (about 2% of cases) the disease occurs against the background of pathology of other organs. Thus, with cirrhosis, internal tissues decompose and liver cells enter the blood. As a result, breakdown products are absorbed and excreted by the kidneys. In addition, liver enzymes can interact with components of nephrin and interfere with the processing of toxins. One of the most dangerous forms of kidney pathology is chronic. It occurs in approximately 75% of cases and determines the main course of the disease. In this case, dystrophic changes occur in the tissues. As a result, the kidneys are not able to fully perform their function of purifying the blood.