Why is micellar water harmful?


History of appearance

Micellar water is a new, relatively inexpensive and economical cleanser and makeup remover. According to the manufacturers, a 400 ml bottle is enough for 200 uses. The unique water for washing has a fairly simple composition and this is its genius. It contains no alcohol or soap, but at the same time, it does a good job of cleansing the face.

The main principle: attract similar things to yourself - this is how micelles dissolved in water work. Small balls of fat are hidden inside the micelle, surrounded by hairs that, when they encounter fat cells, capture them and do not release them back.


Miracle water was invented in France: at first its need was dictated by the care of small children and seriously ill people, so the product was sold exclusively in pharmacies. As it turned out, the water did not cause allergies or irritation at all, even when caring for the delicate skin of babies. Wise mothers, before washing their infants with micellar water, tried the water on themselves. Having received a magical result, they began to purchase a product to care for their own face.


Perfumers, having learned about this, later launched mass production of micellar water and began selling it everywhere.


Micellar water is not harmful in any way. In any case, no more harmful than any shampoo or facial wash.

Micellar water - this is ordinary purified water in which surfactants are dissolved, exactly the same as those that are included in the composition of any washing gel or in the composition of any shampoo. By wiping the face and other parts of the body with cotton swabs moistened with micellar water, ordinary water removes dirt components from the body, and surfactants remove fatty components.

According to its composition, micellar water comes in three types.

This is when it contains surfactants of plant origin, lauryl glucoside and cocoglucoside, such micellar water does not necessarily need to be washed off the face. It has been used for over a thousand years to care for the skin of infants and bedridden patients.

When micellar water contains surfactants - artificial poloxamers. According to doctors, poloxamers are absolutely harmless to human skin and also do not need to be washed off.

And finally, the third version of micellar water, when it contains polyethylene glycol. On the packaging of such micellar water it is always written that it contains (PEG). This micellar water is also harmless to the body, since the concentration (PEG) in it does not exceed 3%, but nevertheless, it causes dry skin in some people. Therefore, it is better to wash it off with ordinary water.

Micellar water is a new, but already favorite, makeup remover. Many cosmetic companies produce their own micellar waters and develop more effective product formulations. What it is and how to use micellar water correctly can be found in this article.

Micellar water

Micellar water (“micellar”) is a liquid in which small cleaning particles, called micelles (hence the name of the product). Due to their shape, micelles attract various impurities, particles of sebum, dust, cosmetics and gently remove them from the surface of the skin.


Many manufacturers of micellar water claim that it does not need to be rinsed off after use. However, cosmetologists advise the opposite. First you need to understand the types of micellar water:

  1. Based on classic emulsifiers (PEG). This water contains synthetic substances (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butylene glycol, etc.) that can cause dryness and irritation of the skin. Therefore, such products must be washed off.
  2. Based on safe chemistry. Micellar water based on safe chemistry contains low-toxic and low-irritating substances (Lauryl Glucos > Micellar water may also contain cosmetic oils (for moisturizing and deeper cleansing), glycerin and panthenol (for healing the skin and preserving moisture in it), etc. The base is usually Melt or structured water is taken, purified from impurities and minerals.


Micellar water has the following properties:

  1. Gently and carefully cleanses the skinwithout injuring her. The micelles act like a magnet, and all you need to do is apply a dampened cotton pad and gently roll it over your face (without rubbing) to remove makeup and impurities.
  2. Promotes skin healing. Panthenol, which is part of many products, has a regenerating effect, so with regular use, the skin begins to recover, small cracks and damage disappear.
  3. Eliminates inflammation and soothes. Manufacturers create special lines of micellar products for problematic skin prone to rashes and inflammation. Water with micelles can replace anti-acne lotion.
  4. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The product has a formula that retains moisture in the skin and prevents it from drying out. If the composition includes glycerin and panthenol, they have an additional softening and nourishing effect.

The main advantage of this product is its gentle action. In order to cleanse the skin with lotion or milk, intense friction is required. This leads to skin stretching and wrinkles. And when cleansing with micellar, no friction is required.


The product is also suitable for girls with thin and sensitive skin. It soothes the skin and relieves discomfort.

Despite the above advantages, the product has some disadvantages and can have harmful effects:

  1. Causes allergies. Many micellar products are hypoallergenic (according to manufacturers' statements), but you need to remember that they contain chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction in the form of burning and itching of the skin, red spots, rashes, etc.
  2. Leaves a sticky film on the surface of the skin. Many girls who used this product complained that it left a sticky layer on the face and caused a feeling of tightness and dryness. If after washing with micellar water such an unpleasant film remains on your face, then the product must be washed off.
  3. Causes a burning sensation in the eyes. When removing eye makeup with micellar, burning and stinging often occurs, which is especially unpleasant for those who wear contact lenses. After this, you have to wash your eyes and lenses, which is not very convenient.

Girls with oily skin definitely need to wash micellar water off their face, otherwise they can cause acne and even more intense work of the sebaceous glands.

How to use micellar water correctly

Since most consumers do not understand chemicals, it is quite difficult to find truly high-quality micellar water. Therefore, the conclusion is: it is better to wash off any micellar water so as not to harm the skin and not cause dryness. Of course, in some conditions it is difficult to do this, and if you don’t wash it off once, then nothing bad will happen. However, if you regularly use micellar and do not remove it, the sensitivity of the skin will increase, it will become irritated and dry.


Usually micellar products are produced for any skin type, but sometimes you can find it on store shelves for dry, oily, normal, and combination skin. In this case, it is recommended to choose a product according to your type.

If the skin reacts poorly to all the tried micellar products (turns red, begins to itch, itch, etc.), then this means that this type of cleansing is not suitable and you should give preference to lotions and tonics.

Properly selected micellar water ideally cleanses the skin of dirt and makeup and does not cause side effects. It will help on the train, in nature, on the plane - in those places where cleansing the skin is quite problematic. Therefore, if there are no unpleasant sensations from use, then a bottle of micellar water should definitely be in every girl’s arsenal.