Is it possible to take a shower


Taking a bath can have beneficial effects on your health. They add sea salt, herbs, oils, this will help remove fatigue, pain in the muscles, and cleanse the skin of impurities. But is it possible to take a shower or bath at a temperature?

Water procedures at elevated temperatures

A person may develop a fever during a cold or other illness. In this case, you should be careful, as some actions can increase it even more. It is not prohibited to carry out water procedures, but doctors advise against taking a bath.

Hot water has a negative effect on a person’s condition at elevated temperatures. This is due to the fact that under its influence temperature indicators can increase. This leads to the disease beginning to progress. Therefore, people are advised to avoid taking a bath when they have a cold with a fever.

But taking a shower is not prohibited. Although even it should be abandoned if the temperature rises to 39 degrees. In this case, it is better to seek medical help.

When a person takes a shower with a high temperature, he needs to do it quickly; he should not stay under running water for a long time. After this procedure, you should wipe yourself dry, then wrap yourself well and go under a warm blanket. To warm up even more, you can drink tea or milk with honey.

It is better not to wet your hair while taking a shower. Even if a person feels unwell, you should not wash with cool water. This can lead to the disease only getting worse. The water should be warm, not very hot. If a person takes a shower, his body should not become hypothermic.

But if you have a cold or flu, doctors still advise you to avoid water procedures. When the body is exposed to hot water, it heats up, which provokes the active development of infection. When the lungs are inflamed or a sore throat develops, then you cannot wash.

Some rules

Despite the fact that it is not prohibited to take a shower at elevated temperatures, some rules should be taken into account. After all, the body fights the disease. If you carry out water procedures incorrectly, your condition can worsen.

If you take a bath or shower when you are sick, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is prohibited to combine the bath with alcoholic beverages. A large number of people drink mulled wine or other alcohol when they are sick. Doctors do not support this treatment. It is recommended to give up alcohol and use traditional or folk methods to combat the disease. If a person decides to drink an alcoholic drink, then he should remember that this cannot be done in the bath.
  2. When the temperature rises, you should forget about hot water. Otherwise, it will begin to increase even more, which will negatively affect the person’s condition. The water should have a temperature of about 34-38 degrees.
  3. You should stay in the bathroom for as little time as possible. After all, the air humidity in this room is quite high. In the house it should be about 45-65%. But during the period when the premises begin to be heated, it decreases significantly, which negatively affects human health; he is susceptible to colds. But even with an increase in these indicators, the disease can develop. High humidity causes more mucus to appear in the nasopharynx and throat. This leads to an exacerbation of the runny nose. For this reason, doctors advise spending less time in the bathroom. To reduce the humidity in it, you can open the door.

Taking a bath or shower should take place in the evening. After these procedures, a person should immediately go to bed; first, it is better to dress well and drink a warm non-alcoholic drink.

Water treatments with herbs

If the body temperature has increased slightly, then you can take medicinal baths to which various herbs are added. They will relax your body and muscles.

When you have a cold, such a bath can heal the body. To do this, just add some herbs to the water. It could be:


When a person lies in such a bath, vapors of medicinal plants will begin to evaporate from it, and the patient will begin to inhale them. This is a kind of inhalation that will have a positive effect on your health and can also reduce the manifestation of some symptoms.

In addition, you can take an oil bath. To do this, a mixture is initially prepared, which is later added to the water. You will need to mix 30 ml of olive oil with a few drops of essential oils. A dozen drops of cinnamon oil are added to this mixture. This all needs to be mixed well and combined with a mug of sea salt.

The mixture is poured into the bath. But you need to stay in water at elevated temperatures for no more than a third of an hour. If the readings on the thermometer reach 38-39 degrees, then you should abandon this procedure.

Contraindications to water procedures

It is forbidden to take a bath for those who have the following chronic diseases:

  1. Hypertension
  2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  3. Varicose veins
  4. Pathologies associated with blood circulation in the brain.
  5. You should not add herbs to your bath if you are allergic to them.

So, it is not prohibited to carry out water procedures during an increase in body temperature. But this should be done carefully, adhering to certain rules.

Everyone experiences colds and, as a rule, they treat colds at home. As a result, many myths have arisen around this disease. One of them is that during illness you should absolutely not wash yourself, since water procedures will only intensify the symptoms of the disease. However, doctors have their own point of view on this matter.

Colds: causes and symptoms


Features of the development of the disease

Colds are popularly called viral diseases with a certain set of symptoms. The most common causes of colds are hypothermia, decreased immunity and, of course, the pathogenic viruses themselves.

Hypothermia itself would not cause a cold without the virus. But when we freeze, our immunity weakens, making it easier for viruses to attack the body’s cells.

The main reason why people are afraid of getting ARVI is not its danger or complications, but an unpleasant condition when it is difficult to breathe, eat, and sleep. Often working people do not take sick leave due to a cold and they have to endure the illness on their feet.

There are a huge number of folk recipes against colds and advice on whether you can take a shower if you have a cold, how to eat properly and what to drink.

Everyone knows the signs of a cold. However, they may vary depending on the strength of the disease, the virus itself, the organism:

  1. Cough and sore throat. A cold may begin with this symptom, or it may not occur at all throughout the entire illness. The throat turns red, hurts, it hurts to swallow and speak, there is a sore throat, a cough that gets worse at night.
  2. Nasal congestion, sneezing, copious mucus discharge. A cold is not complete without this symptom. Nasal congestion manifests itself in different ways, for some it is a complete inability to breathe through the nose, severe swelling that only goes away with the help of sprays and drops, while for others it is a tolerable condition, when it is even possible to do without medications. Mucus secretion also has varying degrees. Sometimes the disease is limited to swelling.
  3. Temperature. The temperature does not always appear, but if it does, then with ARVI it is low, 37.2 - 37.5. The elevated body temperature lasts about 2-3 days, after which it should subside. If it continues for up to a week, we can talk about a bacterial infection, which is usually treated with antibiotics.
  4. Weakness, body aches. An unpleasant symptom when the whole body aches, fatigue, drowsiness appear, and it is difficult to react quickly and think. It usually appears on the second or third day of illness, and then decreases.

Showering for a cold: when and how to do it right


Water procedures and colds

Many people remember from childhood that mothers forbade washing during illness. No matter how long it lasted, you could only hover your feet, but not wash. Doctors consider such restrictions to be unreasonable.

When we have a cold, we sweat a lot, drink raspberry tea and other diaphoretics. Sweat clogs pores. It becomes more difficult for the body to eliminate toxins. Therefore, it is necessary to wash to cleanse the pores, but you need to do it correctly.

How to shower properly when you have a cold:

  1. The water temperature should not be very high, preferably not higher than body temperature. This will avoid unnecessary overheating and increased heat.
  2. You can take a shower and bath. We usually don’t stand under the shower for long, but we can lie in the bath as long as we like. But during illness it is not recommended to do this. Excessive humidity is harmful, it increases the formation of sputum, which can lead to a strong cough or increased flow of mucus from the nose.
  3. It is possible and even beneficial to take a shower when it is hot. Doctors think so. A warm shower will help reduce the fever, relieve the condition and lower the temperature. However, it is advisable that it is just a shower and under no circumstances hot. After a shower, it is important to avoid hypothermia. You need to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel and put on warm socks and a robe.
  4. When you're going to take a shower, don't forget your shower cap. Washing your hair when you have a cold is not as beneficial as washing your body. Hair takes a long time to dry, which leads to hypothermia, you can get caught in a draft and catch an even worse cold. If you wash your hair, immediately wrap it in a towel and then dry it with a hairdryer.
  5. It is better to take a shower or bath not in the morning, but at night, so that after water procedures you can immediately put on warm socks and lie down under the blanket.
  6. You can add herbs to the bath, for example, chamomile, St. John's wort. This is not only good for the skin, but will also serve as an inhalation to cleanse the lungs of phlegm.

Contraindications and common mistakes


Swimming during a cold can be harmful if you do not follow the rules or there are certain contraindications:

  1. For example, people with heart and vascular diseases should not take hot baths at all, and especially if they have a weakened immune system or a cold.
  2. People with varicose veins, heart failure, high blood pressure, and cerebral circulatory disorders should not take baths. However, showering is still not contraindicated. If you rinse quickly and not with hot water, there will be no harm.
  3. It is worth remembering that any bath is a strain on the heart. Hot water increases pressure and increases the load on blood vessels. If your heart is already weak, replace the bath with a shower. It is useful during colds. If you choose a bath, do not lie in it for more than 20 minutes.
  4. Bath and alcohol should not be mixed. We often hear advice such as “you need to warm up with vodka, and then immediately steam your feet.” This is completely false. It’s one thing to take a shower before bed, and another thing to take a thermal bath after drinking strong drinks. Alcohol does not cure diseases; it weakens the body and immunity. Sometimes they drink mulled wine to warm up, but this does not apply to viral diseases in full swing. Moreover, it is not recommended to take baths or steam your feet after drinking alcohol. This can lead to sudden changes in pressure.
  5. You should not take hot baths if you have diabetes. They can cause low blood sugar levels. However, showering is also not contraindicated.
  6. There is no need to get carried away with taking a bath during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman has a cold, you can take a warm shower or a warm bath for no more than 5-10 minutes with the doctor's permission. Steaming your feet and taking hot baths is strictly prohibited. They can cause a miscarriage.

Useful video - how to properly treat a cold.

Showering is part of most people's daily routine. It's a quick, effective and refreshing way to take care of your hygiene. After a sports game or practice, you should shower the same day. Want to know how to shower properly? Read this article! In addition, this article can be sent to one of your friends or acquaintances to subtly hint that he needs to learn how to shower correctly.