Why do men go gray at a young age?

Some men have gray hair that looks very sexy. But in general, silver strands in a hairstyle are perceived as a sign of old age. Therefore, in modern society, where the cult of youth reigns, they try to disguise gray hair. Let's find out today why over time hair turning gray, at what age does this happen and can this process be slowed down?

What causes hair on a man's head to turn gray?

If you find gray hair, don’t be alarmed. This is a common phenomenon that affects every person. Early gray hair does not mean that you are aging faster than your peers. According to statistics, hair turns gray at about 40 years of age, but a small amount of it is detected much earlier. Age-related changes depend on certain factors.

Graying is a gradual process. Don't be afraid that one day you will wake up with a completely white head. When can we expect the first gray hair to appear? You can find out the answer to this question by looking at your parents.

Smokers go gray faster

The onset and intensity of graying are determined primarily by genetic factors. There are also other reasons that affect the rate of hair color loss. If gray strands appeared much earlier than those of the mother and father, the cause may be smoking. In people with this bad habit, graying occurs due to the action of nicotine, which reduces the production of melanin. The substance is responsible for pigmentation, including hair color

Gray hair hides illness

Premature gray hair appears due to certain diseases:

  1. dysfunction of the thyroid gland: hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis;
  2. Iron-deficiency anemia;
  3. Werner's syndrome;
  4. vitiligo;
  5. atherosclerosis;
  6. gastritis with low acidity.

Under the influence of internal disorders, pigment loss occurs, which is why the hair on the head and body turns gray.

Skin color plays a big role

The question of when and how quickly a person will begin to turn gray will be answered by race. People with white skin lose pigment first. They start turning gray at the age of 35. People of Asian descent may see the first signs of aging in their hair at age 40.

Men go gray earlier than women

You can’t escape from gray hair; sooner or later it will catch up with everyone, with the exception of those who are completely bald. In particular, representatives of the stronger sex. Expert studies have shown that among different genders of the same age, men have much more gray hair.

Is it possible to go gray from stress?

Stress, disrupted routine, negative lifestyle factors have a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair. Of course, direct emotional overload will not change the pigment from black to white overnight, but it can speed up the graying process if there is a hereditary predisposition.

The hair on your head turns gray earlier

The first gray hair may appear on the head, but not on other parts of the body. This is because hair on the chest, arms and legs turns gray much later. They may not turn gray at all over time.

Gray hair doesn't mean old age

Most people associate gray hair with old age and old age. Thus, men or women with white heads look old at first glance, although this is not always the case. It is known that the first gray hair can appear as early as 30 years old.

Read also:

  1. Types of hardware facial rejuvenation
  2. Anti-aging facial injections


Gray hair occurs in young men

Is it possible to stop graying and how to do it?

Most people would like to avoid gray hair. So the question arises: is this possible?

The rate of hair graying is determined by genetic factors. Humanity has not yet learned to slow down or stop the process. If the hair has lost color due to illness, pigmentation may be restored after some time.

There is also speculation that drinking coffee may slightly slow down the graying process of hair. But the effect of caffeine on pigmentation has not been scientifically proven.

Does plucking solve the problem of gray hair?

There is a myth that in place of one torn gray hair, two new ones appear at once. Unfortunately, nothing like that happens. After pulling out the shaft, its follicle remains, from which the next hair grows. If the process of pigment loss has not yet started, then the new hair shaft growing as a replacement will not necessarily be gray. But you shouldn’t overuse removing whitened strands with tweezers in order to completely get rid of faded hair. Frequent plucking can damage the follicles. Then not a single hair will grow in the place of the removed fragment. After all, your own gray hair is better than a wig or bald spot on your head.

Cosmetologists recommend focusing on careful hair care in the battle against gray hair. To maintain color for a long time, it is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to fight against unfavorable external factors, eliminate health problems in a timely manner, and organize proper nutrition. You should add vitamins to your diet that strengthen your hair. In addition, to slow down age-related changes, it is important to be able to cope with stress.

Most men would give a lot to delay and slow down the process of graying, and even more so to avoid such a nuisance.


It is considered normal for men to experience the first signs of gray hair in adulthood. However, young guys often encounter a similar phenomenon. Why does hair turn gray early?

In young people, loss of pigment in hair is possible for various reasons. And not every time the appearance of gray hair ahead of time is associated with old age.

Gray hair can be caused by several factors that are confirmed by science: hereditary and acquired during life. Let's take a closer look at this problem.

What determines hair color?


Each hair follicle contains the pigment melanin, which affects the color of the hair. As the body ages, less and less melanin is produced. When examining a gray hair under a microscope, you can see that there are air bubbles in its pores. The smaller the supply of melanin, the lighter the shade becomes. Newly born babies have a minimal supply of this pigment. Which explains the light color of baby fluff in most cases.

In addition to the growing factor, experts name some diseases that affect the condition of the hair structure. The reasons why men's hair turns gray prematurely are: insufficient copper reserves within the body, vitamin deficiency, deficiency of B vitamins, various acute and chronic diseases of the central nervous system, genitourinary system, liver, and digestive tract.

A prolonged serious illness can also cause premature graying of hair. According to experts, those men who, having already matured, suffered viral infections, turn gray early more often. For example, cytomegalovirus.


Autoimmune diseases (thyroid disease, pernicious anemia, albinism, some syndromes), kidney disease, some skin diseases (erysipelas, baldness, herpes), hormonal disorders, hypovitaminosis (for example, B12 in Brimer's disease) can provoke a decrease in melanin and cause graying in a young body. It is important to note that the following medications: resoquine, chloroquine, hydroquinone, finylthiourea and the like, which are potential “pests” of the natural shade of hair, should be used with extreme caution.

Some diseases, such as migraine, erysipelas, and baldness, can lead to graying for some time. Gray hair is often confused with a change in color, which occurs due to diseases such as a lack of copper in the body, seborrhea, and impaired functioning of the thyroid gland. In any situation, timely seeking help from a specialist will save you from painful thoughts and help you identify the sources of the unpleasant pathology and ways to get rid of it.

Fatigue, overexertion and, as a consequence, depression and stress have a significant impact on color change. During the process of nervous excitement, adrenaline is released into the blood. At the same time, the vessels narrow, causing a slowdown in hair nutrition. And this affects the appearance of hair not for the best. Therefore, an important reason that men’s hair suffers is nervous shocks and stressful situations that can “silver” a person’s head in a short period of time.

How to stop the graying process?


The genetic factor has been identified by experts as the main one responsible for causing gray hair. Stem cells are responsible for the production of melanin. Scientists consider the activity of the latter and heredity to be closely related.

It is unacceptable to pull out gray hair. Every time you pull out a graying hair, you are helping to increase the number of gray hairs. This is due to the production of serum by the root at the site of the follicle, which in the skin area near the hair follicle also affects nearby hair. If you absolutely want to get rid of graying hair, then it makes sense to carefully cut it off with nail scissors.

Doctors are considering the possibility of stopping the process of graying in cases where the cause is determined. Often it is enough to visit a trichologist to find out why your hair is turning gray. It is considered normal for gray hair to appear at the age of 45 or 50. Statistics inexorably claim that men turn white-haired much earlier than women. Physical wear and tear and aging of the body, coupled with stress, are the main factors leading to early gray hair in men. In addition, women devote more time to their hairstyle, as well as to their appearance.

Remedies to help cope with the problem of gray hair

The most affordable cosmetic method is hair coloring. However, men use it with great reluctance.

Modern science does not have generally accepted methods of stimulating the reproduction of pigment after it has stopped.

Although, recently, salons began to use a special cream, Poly Re-Nature Creme, which returns gray hair to its natural shade. In addition, unique products have recently appeared on sale that cover only graying hair and do not affect the color of other hair. The coloring procedure lasts only 5 minutes. And after it, you won’t have to think about gray hair for the next couple of months.

Of the most accessible folk remedies at home, this is possible, with a preventive effect: to prevent the appearance of gray hair, drink 1 to 3 tbsp once a day. juice obtained from parsley roots (parsley can be replaced with parsnips or celery). For preventive and therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to take internally and rub externally into the roots of graying hair the juice of onions, white cabbage, pear fruits, apricots, cherries, blue blackberries, wild strawberries.


In the fight against graying, it is recommended to take medications that increase tone - vitamins (A, E, C, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, folic acid, B vitamins), methionine. They undergo treatment twice a year. In exceptional situations, taking para-aminobenzoic acid in parallel with folic acid in large quantities can restore the natural color of hair.

It is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to restore the natural color and reverse the graying processes that have begun. It is much easier to take care of your hair color in a timely manner. A balanced diet with the required amount of vitamins, careful attitude to health and a healthy lifestyle are ideal helpers for preventing and slowing down the process of graying.

When the above diseases are absent, and a genetic cause is completely excluded, then more attention should be devoted to your health: take multivitamin complexes, start caring for the skin on your head, using restorative shampoos and cosmetics. You should also protect your hair from cold and wind, long exposure to direct sunlight and dry air. The diet should include fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits, rye bread and nuts. Get rid of useless negative experiences, recharge yourself with a positive attitude, and maintain a calm mental state. Naturally, these recommendations are not a 100% guarantee, but it is necessary to try to improve the situation in any case. According to experts, gray hair disappears in 30% of cases when the fight against it was started on time.


Causes of early gray hair, remedies for men and how to look attractive with graying hair.

Posted by: Albertych October 4, 2017 at 07:00

Gray hair is a sign of maturity and wisdom. When a man’s first “silver threads” appear at a young age, this is not yet a reason to panic. Although the reasons are different, they all boil down to one thing - a lack of melanin pigment in the body. How to deal with the problem that has arisen and, conversely, how to emphasize gray hair and look respectable, we will find out in the article.

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Common causes of early gray hair

At 30 years old, finding gray hairs on your head is quite unpleasant; this is the first sign of early aging. It is believed that this problem only bothers men over fifty. Why do young guys and men in their early twenties have ash-gray strands on their heads? Let's try to figure it out.

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Interesting: The natural color of hair depends on melanin. Thanks to pheomelanin, hair takes on a reddish tint; eumelanin is found in brunettes. Blondes, on the other hand, contain low levels of pigment.

If the body does not produce natural melanin well, the hair begins to turn gray and acquire a whitish-ashy hue. If they are not produced at all, they become pure white. The disappearance of pigment affects the structure of the hair, it becomes dull and weak, breaks quickly, and falls out.

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Reasons for the cessation of pigment production at an early age:

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  1. hereditary factor. If men in your family had early gray hair, then with a 90% chance it will happen to you. Often the reason for such heredity is metabolic problems in all men;
  2. with deficiency of sulfur, calcium and copper. It is necessary to reconsider the diet;
  3. gastrointestinal problems;
  4. oncology;
  5. autoimmune, skin diseases;
  6. poisoning with salts of heavy metals;
  7. side effects after taking medications;
  8. nervous exhaustion, stress, depression. Frequent release of adrenaline and overwork have a detrimental effect on the general condition of the body;
  9. malfunctions of the liver and kidneys;
  10. urological pathologies;
  11. presence of bad habits: smoking, alcohol.

Anti-gray hair products for men

The most primitive remedy for gray hair, as many people think, is to pull out the hairs. Men are confident that if they remove the “snowy” hair from the roots, the problem will disappear. However, the plucking process will lead to an increase in the growth of gray hair.

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Ways to get rid of gray hair for men:

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  1. It will not be possible to completely eliminate the problem. However, you can create a so-called “camouflage” and hide gray hair using hair dye. The dye will help temporarily hide the whitish strands. You will have to visit the hairdresser every few months to touch up your gray hair.
  2. Special shampoos have also been developed that do not destroy the structure of curls and do not contain sulfates. Shampoo should be chosen only from trusted manufacturers who have quality certificates.
  3. You can get rid of the problem with the help of medications that stimulate melanin production. It is also important to consult a trichologist so that the doctor can diagnose the exact cause of gray hair and prescribe the appropriate treatment. The earlier the pathology is noticed, the easier it is to slow down the process.

Consequences of using funds

Pulling out gray hairs can lead to serious consequences. Gray hair will appear in even greater numbers, and the process will no longer be stopped. Fighting the problem with ammonia dyes has a negative effect on the hair. Chemical elements can affect health and cause allergic reactions. Despite the fact that you will have to tint your hair every month.

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Folk remedies for gray hair

At home, folk recipes will help you get rid of whitish hairs:

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  1. mix fat cottage cheese, add 1 gram of black pepper. Mix and apply on head for an hour. Afterwards, rinse and wash your hair with medicated anti-grey shampoo. Make the mask 1-2 times a week. Benefits: dandruff disappears, hair restores color, becomes soft, strengthens;
  2. mix sesame, olive and vitamin E oils. Apply to scalp. Keep the mask for 1-2 hours, then rinse with shampoo;
  3. massage your head with warm butter.

You definitely need to change your diet. Include in your menu foods rich in protein, iron, copper, iodine, vitamins A and B, Omega-3 and 6. Take biological food supplements. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, drink parsley juice with celery in the morning.

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How to highlight gray hair with clothes

To look beautiful and stylish even when your head is strewn with ashen strands of hair, you can highlight your look with clothes. Any young man can look chic with gray hair. To do this, stylists recommend choosing a strict classic style, adding accessories: watches, glasses, tie, silver cufflinks. Suits in charcoal gray, wet asphalt, sapphire, and dark green shades look harmonious.

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Advice for those going gray

In conclusion, let's summarize. When the first gray hairs appear, you need to:

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  1. undergo a full medical examination and begin timely treatment of the pathologies found;
  2. to refuse from bad habits;
  3. change your diet;
  4. use natural hair care products;
  5. avoid stressful situations;
  6. if it is impossible to change something, accept the sign of growing up and wisdom;
  7. choose a fashionable and elegant look to highlight the advantages of early gray hair.

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The appearance of ashy hair is not a reason to be upset. Change your attitude to life, take care of your health, body, appearance and you will look irresistible and courageous at any age, with any hair color.

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